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(DV) Whitney: Alberto Gonzales' Kristallnacht







Alberto Gonzales’ Kristallnacht:
Purges for a Safer America
by Mike Whitney
May 19, 2005

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There’s only one way to make sure that the machinery of state-terror is operating at maximum efficiency: flip on the switch and let ‘er rip. That was the thinking behind last month’s massive roundup of 10,000 American citizens in what was aptly christened Operation Falcon.

Operation Falcon was a massive clandestine dragnet that involved hundreds of state, federal and local law-enforcement agencies during the week of April 4 to April 10, 2005. It was the largest criminal sweep in the nation’s history and was the brainchild of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and his counterpart in the US Marshal’s office, Director Ben Reyna.

The secret raids “produced the largest number of arrests ever recorded during a single initiative,” Reyna boasted.

The details are mind-boggling. Over 960 agencies (state, local and federal) were directly involved acting on 13,800 felony warrants and spending nearly $900,000 on the operation. As the conservative Washington Times noted, “The sweep was a virtual clearinghouse for warrants on drug, gang, gun and sex-offender suspects nationwide.”

It’s clear that the Marshal’s office knew where the vast majority of the suspects were or they never would have had such stunning success rounding them up; which, of course, begs the question, “Why did they wait to apprehend ‘alleged’ murderers, when they already knew where they were hiding?”

According to the press releases, which celebrated the dazzling display of law enforcement, the raids netted “162 accused or convicted of murder, 638 wanted for armed robbery, 553 wanted for rape or sexual assault, 154 gang members and 106 unregistered sex offenders.” (CNN)

Okay, that’s roughly 1,000 criminals. What about the other 9,000? Traffic tickets, late child-support payments, jay-walking???

“We're really amazed. We had no idea we'd apprehend more than 10,000 bad guys,” said one federal law enforcement official who asked not to be identified. “We didn't know what to expect, but the response from law enforcement personnel everywhere was truly amazing.” (CNN)

The media’s approbation does little to disguise the real purpose of Operation Falcon (which is an acronym for "Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally"). The Bush administration is sharpening its talons for the inevitable difficulties it expects to face as a result of its disastrous policies. With each regressive initiative, the governing cabal seems to get increasingly paranoid, anticipating an outburst of public rage. Now, they’re orchestrating massive round-ups of minor crooks to make sure that every cog and gear in the apparatus of state repression is lubricated and ready to go.

Rest assured that Attorney General Gonzales has absolutely no interest in the petty offenders that were netted in this extraordinary crackdown. His action is just another indication that the noose is tightening around the neck of the American public and that the Bush team is fully prepared for any unpleasant eventualities. They want to make sure that everyone knows that they’re ready when it’s time to thin out the ranks of mutinous citizens. (Note: to date, the US Marshall’s office has issued no public statement to the press as to whether the 10,000 people arrested in operation Falcon have been processed or released.)

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state, and can be reached at:

Other Articles by Mike Whitney

* Tom Friedman: The Imperial Chronicler
* Gods, Gays, and George Bernard Shaw
* A Tentative Strategy for Ending the War
* The Specter of Violence in America

* Free Speech in the Crosshairs
* Why America Needs to be Defeated in Iraq
* More Madness at the Bush News Conference
* Ratzinger’s Plan to Hide the Pedophiles
* Let’s Let Atheists Back into Politics
* Pope Ratzinger: More “Pie-in-the-Sky” for the Struggling Masses
* The Purveyors of Violence: The NY Times in Falluja
* Screw You, Paul Volker!
* Pope TV and the New World Media
* The Economic Tsunami: Sooner Than You Think
* Destroy Abu Ghraib!
* Terri Schiavo and the Battered Judiciary
* Railroading Moussaoui
* The Wolfowitz Appointment: A Red Flag for the Coming Wars
* “Economic Meltdown” -- Sorry, but We’re Toast
* John Bolton and the Road to Tehran
* Clearing the Way for the American Police State

* Challenging the Language of Violence
* Jose Padilla and the 10 Commandments
* Crushing the UN for a Stronger America
* Europe to Bush: “Hands Off Iran”?
* The Incredible Shrinking Dollar
* Assassinating Al-Hariri Fits Washington’s Plan
* Washington’s Plan to Foment Civil War in Iraq
* Condi’s Euro-Tour
* Folksy Tom Friedman and New Age Imperialism
* Government Without Consent
* The Desperate State of the Union
* Iraq’s Election Fiasco
* Boarding Up the “Window of Opportunity”
* KGB Chieftain Finds Home at Homeland Security
* Bush’s Grand Plan: Incite Civil War
* Pink Slips at CBS