Details Emerge in Latest Round
of Plame E-mails |
White House confirmed Tuesday that it recently turned over to Special
Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald 250 pages of e-mails from the Office of Vice
President Dick Cheney related to covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson
and her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a vocal critic of the
Bush administration's pre-war
Gonzales's directive in October 2003 came 12
hours after he was told by the Justice Department that it was launching an
investigation to find out who leaked Plame Wilson's undercover CIA status
to reporters in what appeared to be an attempt to discredit and silence
her husband from speaking out against the administration's rationale for
war. Gonzales spent two weeks with other White House attorneys screening
e-mails and other documents his office received before turning them over
to Justice Department investigators.
News of the 250 pages of e-mails was
revealed to Libby's attorneys during a court hearing Friday.
In addition to witness testimony,
investigators working with Fitzgerald are said to have discovered the
existence of the e-mails from computers that investigators had confiscated
from the Office of the Vice President, people familiar with developments
in the investigation said.
Attorneys for Libby and the US District
Court reporter in the Libby case, William McAllister, reading from
Friday's transcript of the hearing, confirmed that Libby's defense
attorneys were told during Friday's hearing that the e-mails were recently
turned over by the White House to Fitzgerald.
According to a copy of the transcript from
Friday's hearing, Libby's attorney, Ted Wells, said he was "told that
there are an additional approximately 250 pages of documents that are
e-mails from the office of the vice president," the transcript states.
Your Honor, may recall that
in earlier filings it was represented or alluded to that certain e-mails
had not been preserved in the White House. That turns out not to be true.
There were some e-mails that weren't archived in the normal process but
the office of the vice president or the office of administration I guess
it is has been able to recover those e-mails. Gave those to special
counsel I think only on February 6 and those again are going to be
produced to us. We don't know what's in there. We've been led to believe
it's probably not anything startling in those e-mails.
A spokesman for Cheney would only confirm
the accuracy of what was said in court: that the White House recently
turned over the e-mails. The spokesman would not comment further.
Remarkably, other than a brief citation
buried inside an Associated Press story, Friday's development about the
White House's "discovery" of the 250 pages of e-mails was not covered by
any major news media.
But that particular bit of courtroom
dialogue between Libby's attorneys and Specials Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald was an explosive development in the three year-old criminal
For one thing, it raises numerous questions:
why weren't the e-mails located in late 2003, when Gonzales enjoined
roughly 2,000 White House staffers to turn over any communication about
Plame Wilson and her husband, as so ordered by a Justice Department
subpoena? Do the e-mails provide greater insight into the campaign to
A spokesperson for Gonzales did not return
numerous calls for comment. But sources close to the investigation said
that unnamed senior officials in Cheney's office had deleted some of the
e-mails before Fitzgerald learned of their existence earlier this year,
and others never turned them over to Gonzales as requested. Separately,
according to people close to Fitzgerald's probe, there are some e-mails
that Gonzales has refused to turn over to Fitzgerald, citing "executive
privilege" and "national security."
It's unclear whether a formal subpoena was
issued to the White House for the e-mails or whether the request came in
the form of a letter from Fitzgerald. Sources said the White House did not
voluntarily turn them over to Fitzgerald's staff.
The e-mails from Cheney's office that were
turned over to Fitzgerald earlier this month were written by senior aides
and sent to various officials at the State Department, the National
Security Council, and the Office of the President. The e-mails were
written as early as March 2003 -- four months before Plame Wilson's cover
was blown in a report written by conservative columnist Robert Novak. The
contents of the e-mails are said to be damning, according to sources close
to the investigation who are familiar with their substance. The e-mails
are said to implicate Cheney in a months-long effort to discredit
The e-mails also show I. Lewis "Scooter"
Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff who was indicted in October on five
counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and lying to investigators
related to his role in the leak, Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl
Rove, and then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, as well as
former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton and other top
officials in the vice president's office also took part in discussions
about ways in which the administration could respond to Wilson's public
criticism about the Bush administration's use of intelligence that claimed
Iraq tried to purchase uranium from Niger.
Cheney and his senior aides did not disclose
to federal investigators the fact that they either received or sent
e-mails about either Joseph Wilson or Valerie Plame Wilson when they were
first questioned about their knowledge and/or role in the leak in early
2004, people close to the investigation said.
Witnesses who work or worked at the CIA, the
National Security Council, and the State Department who have been
interviewed in the case, and some of who are cooperating with the probe,
said they told Fitzgerald that they had received or sent e-mails to senior
aides in Vice President Cheney's office, the State Department and the
National Security Council as early as March 2003 about Joseph Wilson.
Other e-mails show that in mid-June 2003
these officials had sent e-mails that mentioned "Valerie Wilson" -- not
Valerie Plame -- and her employment with the CIA, sources close to the
leak investigation said.
One e-mail about Wilson and his wife is said
to have been sent by Libby to an unknown senior individual at the National
Security Council in early June 2003, after Libby was told by Marc
Grossman, then Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, that
Wilson's wife worked for the CIA and that Grossman's colleagues told him
that Plame Wilson was involved in organizing Wilson's trip to Niger in
February 2002 to investigate whether Iraq had tried to purchase uranium
from the African country.
However, copies of the e-mails were never
found in the more than 10,000 documents that Fitzgerald's staff has
collected during the course of their investigation, the sources said.
Rove and Libby both testified that they
learned about Plame Wilson from reporters -- a fact disputed by the
e-mails and witness testimony -- and that they were not involved in a
campaign to discredit
Hadley's role in the leak is also being
closely looked at by Fitzgerald and his staff, sources said, adding that
new evidence has surfaced showing that the National Security Adviser
played an intimate role in the effort to discredit Wilson and that he may
be one of the still unnamed administration officials who spoke to
reporters about Plame Wilson's work for the CIA.
Jason Leopold
is the author of the forthcoming book News Junkie, to be published
in April by
Process/Feral House Books. Visit for a preview. Other Articles by Jason Leopold
Withholding Plame E-Mails
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