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Proper Etiquette During a Holocaust
by Rosemarie Jackowski
March 10, 2005

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1. Never refer to the slaughtered Iraqi civilians as people. Always remember to refer to them as "Collateral Damage". The first rule, before committing a crime against humanity, is to dehumanize those whom you plan to kill.

2. Never, under any circumstances, refer to the baby killers as "Baby Killers". It will make them very angry. They are to be referred to as "Heroes" at all times.

3. Never accept any responsibility for the holocaust. Always blame someone else. Just say that the government did it. Everybody hates the government and everybody thinks that the government is somebody else, not them.

4. Never make a comparison of present day events to past history. Ward Churchill connected those historical dots. Look what happened to him. Wipe any knowledge of 1940s Germany out of your mind.

5. Never show anyone photographs of Iraqi civilians who have been burned, dismembered, and killed by U.S. cluster bombs. That would be inflammatory and impolite.

6. Support the Democrats. They want a better- funded and more efficient Killing Machine.

Support the Republicans. They have big plans for Iran!

7. Remember, it's not "torture" when we do it. It's only torture when they do it. Remember, nuclear weapons are good when we have them, and bad when they have them.

8. It is bad when they have WMD's and invade their neighbors. It is good when we have WMD's and invade our neighbors (Grenada, Panama, etc.).

9. Always remember, we are perfect. We never do anything wrong. If you admit that the U.S. is responsible for the killing and destruction, we might have to pay reparations, and we can't have that.

10. Now, go, wrap yourself in yellow ribbons and find a flag to wave. It is time to plan a parade to celebrate how good we are.

Rosemarie Jackowski is an advocacy journalist living in Vermont. She was arrested, tried, and convicted for having participated in a peaceful protest of the war. Her conviction is under appeal in the Vermont State Supreme Court. She can be reached at: