there a single psychologist or psychiatrist in this country -- in any
country -- who would be willing to put his or her credibility on the
line and say that George W. Bush is not a bloodthirsty lunatic, a liar
and a fool?
I thought not.
I am finding it more and more difficult to hear what he is saying. Each
time Bush opens his mouth, he seems to be attempting to channel a loon,
but unfortunately, its weird cries are all but drowned out by the
maniacal barking of a hyena. That would be fine if he were out in the
Texas boonies with the rest of the loons and hyenas rather than
illegally occupying the chair reserved for our elected head of state --
arguably the most powerful man in the world.
How long are we going to allow this war criminal to keep killing
innocent men, women and children while wiping his brow and complaining
how much work -- hard work -- it is? How long, America? Until they're
all dead under the weight of our liberation?
In his Saturday
radio address,
Bush boasted that he and his puppet Iraqi Prime Minister Jaafari not
only "discussed" their strong partnership but reveled in the dramatic
progress all his hard work in Iraq has made over the past year. A mouse
in the corner might confide that Bush told Jaafari, "Do as I say or die,
punk." A mouse might say that the progress of which Bush is so proud was
nothing more than his chortling over his success at ravaging a nation
and its people in order to turn over all its resources to Dick Cheney's
Halliburton and a few other lucky US corporate contractors.
Do you listen to him, America? Do you
hear him? Do you believe him when he says that the blood of your
children, mingled with the blood of Iraqi children, is but a "grim
reminder that the enemies of freedom in Iraq are ruthless killers with
no regard for human life"? Well, I believe him. Was ever there a more
grim reminder of a ruthless killer with no regard for human life than
his smirking self?
Tuesday, Bush says, is the first anniversary of the "moment" Iraqis
reclaimed their free and sovereign nation. Hoo-boy. If we are to believe
him -- in a single instant -- Iraqi people were free, and they had the
purple fingers to prove it. Just another "mission accomplished" moment,
eh, Scoob? How many more of these bloody photo-op moments are we going
to take -- can we take -- in the name of all that is decent? How many,
before we finally grab rails, sacks of feathers and buckets of tar, and
take off in a dead run for Pennsylvania Avenue?
Just wondering...
Bush says he will give a major speech Tuesday evening on what he calls
his "two-track strategy for victory." He will tell us yet once again
about his important mission and his firm resolve to perform fantastical,
historical, hysterical feats.
Will Bush be The President, addressing such a vital matter while
surrounded by the somber trappings of the oval office? Doubtful, because
the last time Bush tried that, he became so diminished he disappeared
beneath the desk. Karl Rove had to drag in a ladder just so Bush could
climb back up in the chair.
Will Bush be the Commander-in-Chief, speaking to us from the dignified
podium of Congress? Yeah, like that's going to happen, given the gloomy,
increasingly pissed-off mood of Congress. You never know when the "moos"
will turn to Boos...
Or will Bush once again be the courageous and fearless Studley McMuffin,
all decked out in an Air Force flight jacket, giving yet another
campaign speech from a raised platform before a hand-picked military
audience with orders to screech "Hoo-AHHHH!" each time Bush stops to
take a breath, or when tasered by Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld from
off-camera -- whichever comes first?
I just report. You decide.
Bush will say the "military track" of his strategy is to defeat the
terrorists. He will tell us once again that democracy is on the march
and is "taking root" everywhere. Soon, it will cover all of Iraq,
sweeping across that nation like Johnson Grass across the west Texas
His "political track," he says, is "to continue helping Iraqis build the
institutions of a stable democracy." What the hell does that mean? How
can Iraqis build anything? Bush has taken their oil, their money, their
businesses, their jobs, their water and electricity and their humanity
from them. He has kicked down their doors and dragged their men off to
prison while imposing curfews on the women, children and elderly who
Bush will tell us his mission is difficult, and we can "expect more
tough fighting in the weeks and months ahead." But, as always, he is
resolved and confident. His will remains unbroken -- unbreakable. Even
as grieving parents in Iraq and the United States bury the body parts of
their children, they can be proud of Bush for working so hard to defy,
and defeat, evil throughout the world and replace it with the freedoms
of corporate democracy.
Oh, America, how long will we sit and listen to the jangled
loon-and-hyena cacophony gushing out of this destructive administration
-- the robotic cheers erupting from a condemned military?
We have work to do. Stopping the world of Studley McMuffin and kicking
off the "ruthless killers with no regard for human life" who are in
control of us will be work. Hard, hard work.
But we must be up and about our country's business, no matter how hard
it is. Our country's business is life; therefore, we have no choice. The
alternative is not -- nor should it ever be -- an option on our table.
Sheila Samples
is an Oklahoma freelance writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information
Officer. She is a regular contributor for a variety of Internet sites. Contact
her at: © 2005
Sheila Samples