Beyond the Heart of Darkness: Israel's Attack
on Gaza |
The world went beyond the heart of darkness on June 28, 2006. Irrespective of the ultimate outcome, the consequences of Israel's actions on that day will drastically change the course of its history and possibly that of the industrialized world. On June 28, 2006, a brutal force was unleashed against a defenseless people and the atrocities were accepted without condemnation or retaliation by the leaders of the western world. On June 28, 2006, Israeli warplanes and armed forces started a new campaign of destruction and terror, one of many committed against the Palestinian people. Israel bombed Palestinian infrastructure, electrical distribution, roads, bridges, seized Palestinian government officials and indicated the attacks were only a prelude to what awaits the defenseless Gazans. In effect, Israel's aggressive behavior, the lack of western world response and inaction from international institutions certified that the western industrial nations have divided the world between the Privileged and the Unfortunates. The Privileged are allowed to commit any violent action, including murder. The Unfortunates are not allowed to defend themselves and must either succumb to dictates or, in one simple word: perish. Israel's militaristic behavior is one of the more ruthless and racist expressions in the modern era. The capture and holding of soldiers or even civilians are not unique. Iranian extremists captured and detained a whole embassy load of American diplomats in 1979. In some cases, after diplomacy fails, an attempt might be made to free the detained with a limited and well targeted police action; such as a few commandos navigating the heart of darkness to free one or more compatriots. This is the first time in history that a complete military force punishes an entire population to obtain a single captive's freedom. The severity of Israel's attacks, the intentional damage to a population's existence and the lack of consideration for Arab life have exposed to the world a virulent nationalist, militarist and racist Israel. Those who already had viewed Israel as a deterrent to peace have had their arguments reinforced. Many who had been partial to Israel will now reconsider the logic of their opinions. And that's not all. Actions speak louder than words and by not confronting Israel's tyranny the European nations have shown compliance with oppression, manipulation and criminality. Their attitude will eventually provoke severe economic and social repercussions against them. If Iraqi Shiites seize a British soldier, does it mean the British can bombard Basra and destroy the city? If Iraqi Sunnis seize an American soldier, and they have, does it mean U.S. forces can obliterate Iraq? If the rebels in Darfur seize a Sudanese soldier, does it mean that the Sudan military can wreak havoc in Darfur?
The Security Council quickly responded to
missile firings, to the test launches of North Korean missiles that
landed in the Japan Sea and did no harm. The UN Security Council had
good reasons to discuss North Korea's aggressive attitude. It had more
reasons to respond to Israeli missile attacks that destroyed Palestinian
infrastructure and turned Palestinian civilians, including children,
into corpses. North Korea is being punished for developing missiles in
order to counter what it perceives as a threat (doesn't every nation
that develops missiles have to test them?), while Israel is being
exonerated for using offensive weapons to murder Palestinians. In
effect, the western industrialized nations deem it unacceptable for a
nation to prepare to defend itself while not harming others and deem it
entirely acceptable for a nation to offend and kill others, if the
latter nation is one of them. Despite the silent acquiescence of European parliaments and the American congress to the violence, Europeans have demonstrated impatience with Israel and consider it to be the greatest threat to world peace. A report titled, In Europe, an Unhealthy Fixation on Israel, by Robin Shepherd, Wash. Post, January 30, 2005, stated:
And the anger is reaching new -- and
disturbing -- levels: A poll of 3,000 people by Germany's University of
Bielefeld showed more than 50 percent of respondents equating Israel's
policies toward the Palestinians with Nazi treatment of the Jews.
Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed specifically believed that Israel
is waging a "war of extermination" against the Palestinian people. Although European governments don't consider the value and the gravity of their citizens' opinions when Israel is involved, European Union deputies have expressed their resentments. From the (06.07.2006) "A state that acts like this is no different from a terrorist organization," Belgian socialist MEP and the former head of the EU's Gaza election monitoring mission, Veronique de Keyser, said. "We have to say: enough -- you have gone mad." "Where's the condemnation from Europe? There is none," British liberal Chris Davies added. "The double standards are rank. We make the Palestinians jump through hoops but we let the Israelis get away with bloody murder." On July 6, 2006 the UN Human Rights Council in a resolution "on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, adopted by a vote of 29 in favor, 11 against and five abstentions, the Council demanded that Israel end its military operations in the occupied Palestinian territory; expressed grave concern at the detrimental impact of the current Israeli military operation on the already deteriorating humanitarian conditions of the Palestinian people; urged Israel to immediately release the arrested Palestinian ministers, and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council; and decided to dispatch an urgent fact-finding mission headed by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory."
The result of the vote was as follows:
It's not the resolution that should be
balanced, but the violence. Have the European nations considered the
imbalance between the violence committed against Israel -- detention of
one soldier and a few poorly directed rockets that landed in Israel and
caused minor injuries -- and the violence committed against the
Palestinians -- 8000 Palestinians still detained and daily killings of
Palestinians by a well directed war machine. It wouldn't be sensible to
balance the violence by causing more violence to Israelis. Therefore,
balancing the violence means diminishing the casualties to the
Palestinians to nil, the same as the present number for the Israelis.
This is the purpose of the UN Human Rights Council resolution and the
European nations voted against the resolution. Who is mad, the Mullahs
or the European leaders who ignore their constituents and side with
Israel's aggression? Dan Lieberman is the Editor of Alternative Insight. He can be reached at