an effort to dampen consumer and Wall Street fears about skyrocketing oil
prices, and to assuage the scientific community's concerns about global warming,
President Bush has announced a major new effort to support the research and
development of clean, alternative fuels.
As world petroleum prices continue to oscillate
around $60/barrel, Mr. Bush told reporters at a hastily called news conference
by the pumps of a newly opened CNOOC filling station that “There is absolutely
no basis for anyone to be concerned about oil production peaking. I think
Americans should continue to drive their cars and golf carts and lawn mowers and
run their air conditioners just as much as they like and not worry about
anything because there's plenty of oil out there. We just need to figure out
whose got it and how to take it from them.”
“Nevertheless,” said Mr. Bush, “we want to show that this administration is
sensitive to the needs of the future by funding alternative fuels research that
is consistent with our national interests and family values. Now, we're not
talking about those tired, old 'liberal' energy alternatives, like wind and
solar power, but something really innovative.”
Flanked by Kenneth Lay, the CEO of Exxon/Mobil, Pat Robertson and D. Ryan
Upwells, Undersecretary for Fossilized Fuel Thinking at the Department of
Energy, Mr. Bush announced a research program budgeted for $2,304.78 annually
over the next five years, or approximately what it will likely cost to fill up
the average SUV's gas tank eighteen months from now.
These are among the alternative energy sources that the Bush Administration now
wants to research:
Faith Based Fuels: These include a handful of "intelligently
designed" alternative fuel sources that Mr. Bush wants researchers to study,
including Prayer Power, by which a motor vehicle can be motivated purely
by fervently gripping the steering wheel, closing one's eyes and believing that
the car is moving; and Rapturekenesis, by which the energy of a few
thousand Saved Souls being vacuumed out of their automobiles into heaven can be
tapped at the pump.
Political Depolymerization: Depolymerization is the process by
which complex organic waste material is reduced under pressure and heat into a
light crude oil. Since they do not seem to be doing anything worthwhile as the
"loyal opposition", many scientists propose that the Democratic Party would be a
suitable material for depolymerization -- the party is complex, comprised
largely of demogas (a total organic waste product), and the party is easily
reducible under the slightest heat or pressure. Researchers once thought that
Republican lawmakers would also be an excellent fuel source for
depolymerization, but after several futile experiments to obtain something
useful from Republicans, it was determined that a) Republican politicians
contain too much dirt and too many impurities that cannot be inexpensively
distilled, b) depolymerized Republicans tend to be very polluting, and c) it
takes more money to lobby for and elect a Republican senator or congressman than
the energy return on the depolymerization investment.
Bioweasel: Bioweasel is a high octane fuel source that is refined
from various lies, dirty tricks, distortions, and dissimulations. Bioweasel has
powered such political types as Karl Rove, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz,
John Negroponte, Roger Noriega, Dick Cheney, Tom DeLay and George W. Bush for
years. A highly volatile, unreliable fuel that frequently causes geopolitical
blowback, bioweasel is difficult to control under normal use without cleaning
out your motors with an occasional recall election, criminal indictment or
impeachment trial.
Fear Fuel: Franklin Roosevelt assured us in his first inaugural
address that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. However, nowadays in the
first decade of the 21st Century, Fear is, literally, everywhere: fear of
terrorists, fear of crime, fear of new and weird diseases, fear of economic
recession, fear of unemployment and loss of benefits, fear of anyone who does
not look, talk or dress like an "American", and fear of our own government and
"leaders". Scientists believe that the ubiquitous fear that permeates the land
is like a huge energy field that can be tapped and refined into usable fuel.
Fear fuel already powers the entire Department of Homeland Security, the Defense
Department, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS and the Immigration and Naturalization
Service. If current trends continue, scientists say, Fear could supply nearly
two-thirds of America's energy needs in the coming decades.
Greenspanscintillation: This is a mysterious energy source that
researchers have long sought to harness. It has kept the American economy and
Big Business running for years with no apparent motive force and despite every
indication that the country is running on fumes. Unfortunately, every time we
get close to understanding how Greenspanscintillation works, our understanding
bursts like a bubble. The Bush Administration believes, nonetheless, that when
mixed with large doses of Social Security money, Greenspanscintillation can be
used to fuel profits for Wall Street well into the second decade of the century
when the next generation of Americans will have to figure out how to pay for the
refining process.
Kerobscenity: Although no one is quite sure what kind of energy
source this is, like pornography, kerobscenity is easily recognizable when you
see it. Like the endless ads on the Internet for Viagra, Ciallis and penile
enlargement, kerobscenity seems like the closest thing to the fuel of perpetual
motion. Fully 25% of all web commerce currently runs on Kerobscenity, the
balance running on "spam" (an equally dirty, very low energy content fuel),
blogoil (useful as a fuel for starting fires) and screed (too explosive and
uncontrollable to use in internal combustion engines).
Wave Action Energy: No, tapping the energy of the ocean waves
would be too simple and intelligent for this Administration. Instead, it wants
to research ways to harness the energy of football and baseball fans doing the
wave at professional sports events. Researchers think that if they can keep
stadium fans throughout the United States doing the wave mindlessly for weeks on
end, then they will generate enough electricity to power the city of Cleveland
for about fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, the economics of wave action energy do
not make sense because the crowds themselves need to be fueled with large doses
of incredibly expensive carbohydrates and beer. Furthermore, once the crowd's
beer-intake exceeds a certain level and the fifth inning/second quarter, the
wave energy function tends to disintegrate into a wobbly, disorganized and
entropic mass of stumblebums no more capable of doing the wave than of standing
up without falling over. Obviously, more beer study is necessary.
Wind Power: Windmills that generate electricity based on shifts in
public opinion polls, sudden gusts of lobbying money and hot jet streams of
political speechifying. See, Political Depolymerization, above.
Hydrogen Fool Cells: Actually not a real fool (which can be
derived from any of the above sources). Instead it is an ideal form for
transporting fools. Hydrogen fool cells are the subject of intense study in the
Bush Administration. Already, a fleet of retro Ford Pintos have been fitted with
hydrogen fool tanks The Pintos come equipped with bumper stickers depicting the
Zeppelin Hindenburg in its final moments of incineration as a warning to
following motorists to keep their distance and to avoid fender benders at all
Nucular Foosion: A fool for the future, and will always be. Its
advocates are, in fact, die-hard sun worshipers who wish to have a
sun-equivalent (or multiple suns) right here on earth. Despite very deep money
pits, researchers have not yet been able to contain the hot plasma long enough
to power a light bulb. The Bush Administration, nevertheless, believes the money
pits just need to be dug a whole lot deeper. Which leads to the proverbial
question -- how many nucular fools does it take to turn on a light bulb?
* Care to suggest an alternative energy source for the Bush Administration?
Submit alternative clean energy proposals to
Zbig@ersarts.com Subj: Alternative Bush Energy. Indicate whether you want (dis)credit
for your proposal (in parenthesis). Sorry -- no rocks, scatology, excessively
foul language, lawsuit bait or incitements to violence.
Zbignew Zingh can be reached at
Zbig@ersarts.com. This Article is CopyLeft, and free to distribute, reprint,
repost, sing at a recital, spray paint, scribble in a toilet stall, etc. to your
heart’s content, with proper author citation. Find out more about Copyleft and
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Other Articles by Zbignew
Bush Wants
Answers: Did Chavez, Castro and Bin Laden Lead Embassy Siege in Iran?
* The
University's Biocontainment Lab: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
* The
* The
Political Descent of Mankind
* Soviets “R”
* November
* New Dogs for
the New American Century
* Vive la
* Dennis,
We Hardly Knew You
* The 2004
Political All-Star Game
* George
Bush, Destroyer of the Faith
* Zbignew's
* The Statue
of Liberty is Missing
Monuments To The New American Century
* What Are We
Trying To Achieve?
* Bush
Administration Relents: American Style Elections Promised for Iraq
* E.U.
Researchers Publish Findings of Widespread Mad Cow Infection
* The
Declassified Ads
The Frankencandidate