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(DV) Frank: Offering a Response to Senator Webb







What America Really Needs to Hear 
Offering a Response to Senator Webb
by Joshua Frank
January 30, 2007

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Shortly after President Bush's State of the Union address last week Jim Webb, the freshman Senator from Virginia, delivered the Democrats' televised response to Bush's annual speech. Many antiwar progressives were pleased to hear a Democrat confront the Bush rhetoric head-on. Media critic Jeff Cohen went even further and argued that Webb's riposte was not only aimed at the Bush administration, but also at Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

"Whether intended or not," wrote Cohen, "Webb was offering a way for Democrats to win elections -- a script for any presidential candidate who wants to distinguish him or herself in the primaries, and then defeat the Republicans in Nov. 2008."

Cohen and I must have been watching different programs. Sen. Webb's position on the Iraq war was little more than a sugarcoated pill packed full of the usual irony. Webb painted the situation in Iraq as a result of Bush's poor planning and not the more obvious illegalities and lies that drove our country into battle. As Webb put it, "We are now, as a nation, held hostage to the predictable -- and predicted -- disarray that has followed."

Never once did we hear Webb utter the bitter truth about the Iraq crisis. Certainly the invasion and subsequent occupation were not "mismanaged" as Webb and many others have put it, rather the civil war now engulfing Iraq is a result of a criminal performance carried out by President Bush that was enabled and encouraged by the leaders of the Democratic Party dating back to President Clinton.

Webb also did not express any significant criticisms of the "war on terror" as he seems to believe in its underlying premise. Consequently, he did not mention that he disagrees with the increase of troops in Afghanistan or the recent air strikes on purported terrorist cells in Somali. And despite his anger at Bush's reckless mismanagement of Iraq, he didn't dare bring up that all but forgotten subject: impeachment.

Webb also noted that he was opposed to "a precipitous withdrawal that ignores the possibility of further chaos" and instead called for a "strong regionally-based diplomacy, a policy that takes our soldiers off the streets of Iraq's cities, and a formula that will in short order allow our combat forces to leave Iraq." In essence, Webb doesn't believe U.S. troops should leave Iraq at once. We may as well call that just more of the same. All talk, no action.

And this is the type of winning formula Jeff Cohen believes the Democratic presidential candidates should use to distinguish themselves from Republicans? Right now the most visible and articulate antiwar senator is Republican Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. If anything, Democratic presidential hopefuls and others should take a cue from Hagel on Iraq, not Webb. In a recent interview in GQ, Hagel went as far as to say that what's going on in Iraq is "even worse than a civil war, because in addition to the sectarian violence, you've got Shia killing Shia. We have ethnic cleansing of major proportions going on in Baghdad."

Enough with the nonsense. Senator Hagel's straight talk is what the American public really needs to hear.

Joshua Frank is Co-Editor of Dissident Voice, and the author of Left Out! How Liberals Helped Reelect George W. Bush. He edits BrickBurner.org, the official blog of Dissident Voice. He can be reached at: joshua@dissidentvoice.org.  

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* The Semiotics of Iniquity: Hillary Clinton and the Pro-Israel Lobby
* Obama and the Middle East: The Next Big Bamboozler?
* Turning on the War
* A New Congress? Not When It Comes to Iran
* Eliot Spitzer's Constitutional Hang-up
* Death By Coke
* Jon Tester’s Neopopulism: The Montana Formula
* A Progressive Sweep?
* Bye-Bye Coke, Hello Pepsi: Anatomy of the Midterms
* It’s 2004 All Over Again...
* Snake Oil and the Midterm Elections
* The Antiwar Movement and Independent Politics: An Interview with Cindy Sheehan
* Cindy Sheehan’s Lesser-Evilism: Democrats or Bust? 
* Bye, Bye Civil Liberties: Blame the Democrats
* Fat Cat Democrats Versus the Antiwar Movement
* How Jonathan Tasini Helped Hillary Clinton by Hurting the Antiwar Movement
* Corporate E. coli
The People’s Struggle in the Middle East: An Interview with Ramzy Baroud
* Democrats Stifle Antiwar Voices, Again
* Revolution of Hope with Kim Petersen and Sunil Sharma
* Official Justification for Israel's Invasion of Lebanon on Thin Ice
* How the Kyoto Protocol Was (Al) Gored
* Farewell Sleater-Kinney
* Al Gore the Environmental Titan?
* Challenging Hillary Clinton: New York Takes on the War Party
* Kerry's Halfhearted Reversal
* A Plan to End the War: Dump the Democrats
* The Trouble with Big Greens: Trapped Inside the Beltway
* Pentagon Thievery: An Interview with Jeffrey St. Clair
* War Supporters Still Looking for a Smoking Gun
* Twist and Hate: The Smearing of Paul Craig Roberts
How the Green Party Slays Their Own: An Interview with John Murphy
* Enabling Bush: Senator Feinstein’s War Profiteering
* The Democrats' Withdrawal Plan: Another Election Year Stunt
* The Rhetoric of Al Gore: Not to Be Trusted
* Hillary and George: Two Warmongers in a Pod
* Cindy Sheehan and Lesser-Evil Politics