“It's no great secret why the Jewish
agencies continue to trumpet support for the discredited policies of
this failed administration. They see defense of Israel as their
number-one goal, trumping all other items on the agenda. That
single-mindedness binds them ever closer to a White House that has
made combating Islamic terrorism its signature campaign. The
campaign's effects on the world have been catastrophic. But that is no
concern of the Jewish agencies.”
-- December 8, 2006 statement by JJ
Goldberg, editor of Forward (the leading Jewish weekly in the
United States)
Many Jewish writers, including those who
are somewhat critical of Israel, have raised pointed questions about
our critique of the Zionist power configuration (ZPC) in the United
States and what they wrongly claim are our singular harsh critique of
the state of Israel. Some of these accusers claim to see signs of
'latent anti-Semitism,' others, of a more 'leftist' coloration, deny
the influential role of the ZPC arguing that US foreign policy is a
product of 'geo-politics or the interests of big oil. With the recent
publication of several widely circulated texts, highly critical of the
power of the Zionist 'lobby', several liberal pro-Israel publicists
generously conceded that it is a topic that should be debated (and not
automatically stigmatized and dismissed) and perhaps be 'taken into
ZPC Deniers: Phony Arguments for Fake
The main claims of ZPC deniers take
several tacks: Some claim that the ZPC is just 'another lobby' like
the Chamber of Commerce, the Sierra Club or the Society for the
Protection of Goldfish. Others claim that by focusing mainly on Israel
and by inference the 'Lobby', the critics of Zionism ignore the
equally violent abuses of rulers, regimes and states elsewhere. This
'exclusive focus' on Israel, the deniers of ZPC argue, reveals a
latent or overt anti-Semitism. They propose that human rights
advocates condemn all human rights abusers everywhere (at the same
time and with the same emphasis?). Others still argue that Israel is a
democracy -- at least outside of the Occupied Territories (OT) -- and
therefore is not as condemnable as other human rights violators and
should be 'credited' for its civic virtues along with its human rights
failings. Finally, others still claim that, because of the Holocaust
and the 'History-of-Two-Thousand-Years-of-Persecution', criticism of
Jewish-funded and led pro-Israel lobbies should be handled with great
prudence, making it clear that one criticizes only specific abuses,
investigates all charges -- especially those from
Arab/Palestinian/United Nations/European/Human Rights sources -- and
recognizes that Israeli public opinion, the press and even the Courts
or sectors of them may also be critical of regime policies.
These objections to treating the
Israeli-Palestinian-Arab conflict and the activities of Zionist
Lobbies as central to peace and war serve to dilute, dissipate
and deflate criticism and organized political activity directed at the
ZPC and its directors in Israel.
The response of the critics of Israel
and the ZPC to these attacks has been weak at best and cowardly at
worst. Some critics have responded that their criticism is only
directed toward a specific policy or leader, or to Israeli policies in
the OT and that they recognize Israel is a democracy, that it requires
secure borders, and that it is in the interests of the Israeli
'people' to lower their security barriers. Others argue that their
criticism is directed at securing Israeli interests, influencing the
Zionist Lobby or to opening a debate. They claim that the views of
'most' Jews' in the US are not represented by the 52 organizations
that make up the Presidents of the Major Jewish Organizations of
America, or the thousands of PACs, local federations, professional
associations and weekly publications which speak with one voice as
unconditional supporters of every twist and turn in the policy of
the Zionist State.
There are numerous similar lines of
criticism, which basically avoid the fundamental issues raised by the
Israeli state and the ZPC, and which we are obliged to address. The
reason that criticism and action directed against Israel and the ZPC
is of central importance today in any discussion of US foreign policy,
especially (but not exclusively) of Middle East policy and US domestic
policymaking is that they play a decisive role and have a
world-historic impact on the present and future of world peace and
social justice. We turn now to examine the 'big questions' facing
Americans as a result of the power of Israel in the United States.
The Big Questions Raised by the ZPC and
Israeli Power in the USA:
War or Peace:
Critical study of the lead up to the US
invasion of Iraq, US involvement in providing arms to Israel (cluster
bombs, two-ton bunker buster bombs and satellite surveillance
intelligence) prior to, during and after Israel's abortive invasion of
Lebanon, Washington's backing of the starvation blockade of the
Palestinian people and the White House and Congress' demands for
sanctions and war against Iran are directly linked to Israeli state
policy and its Zionist policy-makers in the Executive branch and US
Congress. One needs to look no further than the documents, testimony
and reports of AIPAC and the Presidents of the Major American Jewish
Organizations to observe their claims of success in authoring
legislation, providing (falsified) intelligence, engaging in espionage
(AIPAC) and turning documents over to Israeli intelligence (now dubbed
'free speech' by liberal Zionists).
If, as the overwhelming evidence
indicates, the ZPC played a major role in the major wars of our time,
wars capable of igniting new armed conflicts, then it ill behooves us
to dilute the role of the Zionist/Jewish Lobby in promoting future US
wars. Given Israel's militarist-theocratic approach to territorial
aggrandizement and its announced plans for future wars with Iran and
Syria, and given the fact that the ZPC acts as an unquestioning and
highly disciplined transmission belt for the Israeli state, then US
citizens opposed to present and future US engagement in Middle East
wars must confront the ZPC and its Israeli mentors. Moreover, given
the extended links among the Islamic nations, the Israel-ZPC proposed
'new wars' with Iran will result in Global wars. Hence what is at
stake in confronting the ZPC are questions which go beyond the
Israeli-Palestine peace process, or even regional Middle East
conflicts: it involves the big question of World Peace or War.
Democracy or Authoritarianism
Without the bluster and public hearings
of former Senator Joseph McCarthy, the Jewish Lobby has systematically
undermined the principal pillars of our fragile democracy. While the
US Congress, media, academics, retired military and public figures are
free to criticize the President, any criticism of Israel, much less
the Jewish Lobby, is met with vicious attacks in all the op-ed pages
of major newspapers by an army of pro-Israeli 'expert' propagandists,
demands for firings, purges and expulsions of the critics from their
positions or denial of promotions or new appointments. In the face of
any prominent critic calling into question the Lobby's role in shaping
US policy to suit Israel's interests, the entire apparatus (from local
Jewish federations, AIPAC, the Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations etc) go into action -- smearing, insulting and
stigmatizing the critics as 'anti-Semites'. By denying free speech and
public debate through campaigns of calumny and real and threatened
repercussions the Jewish Lobby has denied Americans one of their more
basic freedoms and constitutional rights.
The massive, sustained and well-financed
hate campaigns directed at any congressional candidate critical of
Israel effectively eliminates free speech among the political
elite. The overwhelming influence of wealthy Jewish contributors to
both parties -- but especially the Democrats -- results in the
effective screening out of any candidate who might question any part
of the Lobby's Israel agenda. The takeover of Democratic campaign
finance by two ultra-Zionist zealots, Senator Charles Schumer and
Israeli-American Congressman Rahm Emanuel ensured that every candidate
was totally subordinated to the Lobby's unconditional support of
Israel. The result is that there is no Congressional debate, let alone
investigation, over the key role of prominent Zionists in the Pentagon
involved in fabricating reports on Iraq's 'weapons of mass
destruction', and in designing and executing the war and the
disastrous occupation policy. The Lobby's ideologues posing as Middle
East 'experts' dominate the op-ed and editorial pages of all the major
newspapers (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times,
Washington Post). In their pose as Middle East experts, they
propagandize the Israeli line on the major television networks (CBS,
NBC,ABC, Fox, and CNN) and their radio affiliates.
The Lobby has played a prominent role in
supporting and implementing highly repressive legislation like the
Patriot Act and the Military Commission Act as well as modifying
anti-corruption legislation to allow the Lobby to finance
congressional 'educational' junkets to Israel. The head of Homeland
Security with its over 150,000 functionaries and multi-billion dollar
budget is none other than Zionist fanatic Michael Chertoff, head
persecutor of Islamic charity organizations, Palestinian relief
organizations and other ethnic Middle Eastern or Moslem constituencies
in the US, which potentially might challenge the Lobby's pro-Israel
The biggest threat to democracy in its
fullest sense of the word -- the right to debate, to elect, to
legislate free of coercion -- is found in the organized efforts of the
Zionist lobby, to repress public debate, control candidate selection
and campaigning, direct repressive legislation and security agencies
against electoral constituencies opposing the Lobby's agenda for
Israel. No other lobby or political action group has as much sustained
and direct influence over the political process -- including the
media, congressional debate and voting, candidate selection and
financing of congressional allocation of foreign aid and Middle East
agendas as the organized Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) and its
indirect spokespeople heading key Congressional positions. A first
step toward reversing the erosion of our democratic freedoms is
recognizing and publicly exposing the ZPC's nefarious organizational
and financial activities and moving forward toward neutralizing their
Their Foreign Policy or Ours?
Intimately and directly related to the
loss of democratic freedoms and a direct consequence of the Jewish
lobby's influence over the political process is the making of US
Middle East policy and who benefits from it. The entire political
effort of the Lobby (its spending, ethnic baiting, censorship and
travel junkets) is directed toward controlling US foreign policy and,
through US power, to influence the policy of US allies, clients and
adversaries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Lobby's
systematic curtailment of our democratic freedoms is intimately
related to our own inability to influence our nation's foreign
policy. Our majoritarian position against the Iraq War, the
repudiation of the main executioner of the War (the White House) and
our horror in the face of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and
destruction of Gaza are totally neutralized by Zionist influence over
Congressional and White House policymakers. The recently victorious
Congressional Democrats repudiate their electorate and follow the
advice and dictates of the pro-Zionist leadership (Nancy Pelosi, Harry
Reid, Rahm Emmanuel, Stephan Israel and others) by backing an
escalation of troops and an increase in military spending for the war
in Iraq. Bush follows the war policy against Iran proposed by the
zealous Zionist fanatics in the American Enterprise Institute,
repudiating the diplomatic proposals of the bi-partisan Baker
Commission. Congress quadruples US arms stored in Israel (supposedly
for dual use) in the aftermath of Israel's bombing of Southern Lebanon
with one million anti-personnel bomblets from cluster bombs in direct
defiance of US electoral opinion. While hundreds of millions of
undernourished women and children suffer and die in Africa, Latin
America and Asia, the Lobby ensures that over half of US foreign aid
goes to Israeli Jews with per capita incomes of over $22,000 USD.
No other organized political action
group or public relations firm acting on behalf of the Cuban and
Venezuelan exiles or Arab, African, Chinese or European Union states
comes remotely near the influence of the Zionist lobby in shaping US
policy to serve the interest of Israel.
While the Lobby speaks for less than 2%
of the US electorate, its influence on foreign policy far exceeds the
great majority who have neither comparable organizational nor
financial muscle to impose their views.
Never in the history of the US republic
or empire has a powerful but tiny minority been able to wield so much
influence in using out nation's military and economic power and
diplomatic arm-twisting in the service of a foreign
government. Neither the Francophiles during the American Revolution,
the Anglophiles in the Civil War and the German Bund in the run-up to
World War Two, nor the (anti-China) Nationalist Taiwan Lobby possessed
the organizational power and sustained political influence that the
ZPC has on US foreign and domestic policy at the service of the State
of Israel.
Confronting the Lobby Matters
The question of the power of the Lobby
over US policies of war or peace, authoritarianism or democracy and
over who defines the interests served by US foreign policy obviously
go far beyond the politics of the Middle East, the Israeli-colonial
land grabs in Palestine and even the savage occupation of Iraq. The
playing out of Zionist influence over the greatest military power in
the world, with the most far-reaching set of client states, military
bases, deadly weapons and decisive voice in international bodies
(IMF/World Bank/United Nations Security Council) means that the Lobby
has a means to leverage its reach in most regions of the world. This
leverage power extends over a range of issues, from defending the
fortunes of murderous Russian-Jewish gangster oligarchs, to
bludgeoning European allies of the US to complicity with Israel's
ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
The ZPC represents a basic threat to our
existence as a sovereign state and our ability to influence whom we
elect and what agendas and interests our representatives will
pursue. Even worse, by serving Israeli interests, we are becoming
complicit with a State whose Supreme Court legalizes political
assassinations across national boundaries, torture, systematic
violations of international law and a regime which repudiates United
Nations resolutions and unilaterally invades and bombs its neighbors
and practices military colonist expansionism. In a word Israel
resonates and feeds into the most retrograde tendencies and brutal
practices of contemporary American politics. In this sense the Lobby
through its media, Congressional influence and think tanks is creating
an Israeli look-alike. Like Israel, the US has established its own
Pentagon assassination teams; like Israel, it invades and colonizes
Iraq; like Israel, it violates and rejects any constitutional or
international legal restraints and systematically tortures accused but
untried prisoners.
Because of these fundamental
considerations, we cannot oblige our Jewish 'progressive' colleagues
and compatriots and refrain from confronting the Zionist Lobby with
force and urgency. Too many of our freedoms are at stake; too little
time is left before they succeed in securing a greater military
escalation; too little of our sovereignty remains in the face of the
concerted effort by the Lobby and its Middle Eastern
'expert-ideologues' to push and shove us into a new and more
devastating war with Iran at the behest of Israel's pursuit of Middle
East dominance.
No other country, abuser or not, of
human rights, with or without electoral systems, has the influence
over our domestic and foreign policy as does the state of Israel. No
other Lobby has the kind of financial power and organizational reach
as the Jewish Lobby in eroding our domestic political freedoms or our
war-making powers. For those reasons alone, it stands to reason, that
we Americans have a necessity to put our fight against Israel and its
Lobby at the very top of our political agenda. It is not because
Israel has the worst human rights agenda in the world -- other states
have even worst democratic credentials -- but because of its role in
promoting its US supporters to degrade our democratic principles,
robbing us of our freedom to debate and our sovereignty to decide our
own interests. The Lobby puts the military and budgetary resources of
the Empire at the service of Greater Israel -- and that results in the
worst human rights in the world.
Democratic, just and peaceful responses
to the Big Questions that face Americans, Europeans, Muslims, Jews and
other peoples of the world passes through the defeat and dismantlement
of the Israeli-directed Zionist Power Configuration in
America. Nothing less will allow us to engage in an open debate on the
alternatives to repression at home and imperialism abroad.
James Petras,
a former Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York,
owns a 50-year membership in the class struggle, is an adviser to the
landless and jobless in Brazil and Argentina, and is co-author of
Globalization Unmasked (Zed Books). His latest book
The Power of Israel in the United States (Clarity
Press, 2006). He can be reached at: