by Remote Control: The Bulldozing of Morality
Kim Petersen
November 10, 2003
March, the courageous American volunteer Rachel Corrie, while serving in Gaza
Strip, became the first American murdered by a made-in-the-US bulldozer driven
by Israeli occupation forces. (1) This is soon to become
less likely to reoccur but for reasons other than compassionate-minded folks
would hope for. Reuters reported recently that Israel would soon be
deploying remote-controlled bulldozers. (2) The
remote-control technology for the massive bulldozers supposedly addresses an
Israeli concern for the safety of the "indomitable drivers." Israelis
have been using bulldozers to flatten the homes of Palestinians and on too many
occasions the people inside the homes.
cognizance of international law, according to the Israeli High Court, the
bulldozing of Palestinian homes has the status of a judicially-sanctified war
crime. (3) It is a ruling contrary to international law.
In Article 52 of the Geneva Conventions it states clearly: "Civilian
objects shall not be the object of attack or of reprisals." Article 57
requires the Occupiers to: "Take all feasible precautions in the choice of
means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing,
incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian
objects." The use of US-made Caterpillar bulldozers to perpetrate war
crimes is also a violation of US law contemptibly overlooked by US government
also bears culpability for exporting its product to Israel with foreknowledge
that its bulldozers are used to demolish the homes of Palestinian civilians.
Nonetheless, it declares in its statement on social responsibility that
"it firmly adhere[s] to ethical business practices." With its
"high ethical standards for conducting business," Caterpillar risibly
claims "to improve the lives of our neighbors around the world." *
war criminal Herman Göring echoed military philosopher Carl Von Clausewitz’s
maxim that war is an extension of politics. Despite the average person’s
opposition to war, Mr. Göring maintained that this could be easily overcome by
whipping up fear and patriotism in the populace.
can hardly construe the military-lopsidedness between Israel and Occupied
Palestine as a war. Indeed, Palestine doesn’t even have a military. This
unevenness dwarfs that on the Iraqi battlefield that pits the Iraqi resistance
against two aggressor UN Security Council members. Yet Mr. Göring’s words ring
true. The Israeli state has striven to dehumanize the Palestinians and with the
stripping away of Palestinian dignity the Israeli state apparatus has run
roughshod over international law and Jewish history.
most humans couldn’t fathom taking the life of another human and normally most
humans wouldn’t want to place their lives in jeopardy to kill other humans.
Certain psychological manipulations are employed to induce humans to overcome
their aversion to killing and being killed.
dissonance, first expounded by Stanford University social psychologist Leon
Festinger, refers to the incongruency between behavior and belief. To the extent
that behavior is contrary to one’s belief system, that individual will
experience discomfort. The greater the discord between action and belief the
greater the distress felt. According to Mr. Festinger, to avoid that distress
the individual will attempt either: to restrict information to that which
reinforces his or her conduct; to seek the reassurance of others; or to justify
the behavior and change attitude(s) correspondingly.
method by which the Israeli Occupation Forces attempts to overcome the
cognitive dissonance of the fighters is through troop camaraderie. Each unit
member should also internalize the Israeli regime’s declamation that they are
defending a 3000-year-old land claim to Biblical Israel as well as accept the
demagoguery of the high command, which depicts Palestinian areas as hornet
nests of terrorism.
Nazi-war criminal Adolf Eichmann was executed for his complicity in the
insanity of the Jewish holocaust. He averred that he was only doing what any
military man does: following orders. Writer Walter Goodman ridiculed Mr.
Eichmann as "a paltry killer by remote control." (4)
Stanley Milgram designed an experiment to study people’s obedience to
authority. In Mr. Milgram’s experiment one subject, the Teacher, upon direction
from the experimenter clad in a white laboratory coat, was required to
administer a shock in successively higher voltages to another subject, the
Learner, whenever the Learner made a mistake. Despite inducing a palpable
discomfort in a number of the subjects, most of the Teachers in the experiment
would administer shocks to the Learner until the final warning marked XXX which
was preceded by another warning indicating “Danger: Severe Shock.” This was
interpreted as evidence of obedience to authoritarian figures. The experiment
has been replicated across cultures and gender under varying conditions.
Milgram concludes: "For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained
behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics,
sympathy, and moral conduct." (5)
Milgram downplayed the role of sadism in his findings. He harkened back to the
writing of Hannah Arendt on the trial of Mr. Eichmann:
Arendt contended that the prosecution’s
effort to depict Eichmann as a sadistic monster was fundamentally wrong, that
he came closer to being an uninspired bureaucrat who simply sat at his desk and
did his job. For asserting her views, Arendt became the object of considerable
scorn, even calumny. Somehow, it was felt that the monstrous deeds carried out
by Eichmann required a brutal, twisted personality, evil incarnate. After
witnessing hundreds of ordinary persons submit to the authority in our own
experiments, I must conclude that Arendt’s conception of the banality of evil
comes closer to the truth than one might dare imagine. The ordinary person who
shocked the victim did so out of a sense of obligation -- an impression of his
duties as a subject -- and not from any peculiarly aggressive tendencies.
Teacher who administered shocks to the maximum level in the experiment
remarked, "What appalled me was that I could possess this capacity for
obedience and compliance to a central idea, i.e., the adherence to this value
was at the expense of violation of another value, i.e., don’t hurt someone who
is helpless and not hurting you."
Milgram maintains that morality has not vanished but has been displaced. A
diffusion of responsibility has allayed any extreme discomfort felt by
subjects. Says Mr. Milgram:
The essence of obedience is that a person
comes to view himself as the instrument for carrying out another person’s
wishes, and he therefore no longer regards himself as responsible for his
actions. Once this critical shift of viewpoint has occurred, all of the
essential features of obedience follow. The most far-reaching consequence is
that the person feels responsible to the authority directing him but feels no
responsibility for the content of the actions that the authority prescribes.
Morality does not disappear -- it acquires a radically different focus: the
subordinate person feels shame or pride depending on how adequately he has
performed the actions called for by authority.
other words, for many of us, morality is subordinate to our obedience to an
authority figure.
and the Moral Dilemma of the Jewish People
Milgram notes that the further the subject could dissociate him or herself from
the direct task of administering a shock, the likelier would be the
co-operation with the experimenter. Likewise, the safety of the bulldozer
drivers would also have the additional military advantage of distancing the
driver from the in-the-face reality concomitant with the destruction of
someone's home and any occupants inside. That the bulldozer, a despised symbol
of the Israeli occupation, has become a long distance instrument of destruction
is hardly surprising. It is part-and-parcel of the direction in military
technology, a direction which places the human combatant as far from the
violence as possible. Implicitly this human is no longer a combatant in the
traditional sense of the word. To label those who serve in such a proxy
function as fighters, combatants, or soldiers demeans those who risk their
lives on the field of combat.
the distancing of the killers from their carnage may spare them psychological
grief, such a development eases the taking of human life and herein is the
great danger. The relentless advance of military technology threatens to turn
us all into "paltry killer[s] by remote control."
bulldozing of homes becomes equivalent to the cowardly launching of missiles
from US-made Apache helicopters. The erstwhile fighters are relegated by
technology to joystick-wielding poltroons. This technological thrust of
militarization poses grave questions for the future of mankind. Scenarios of a
Frankenstein arise; one scenario might envision a citizenry completely detached
both physically and psychologically from the ramifications of warfare. It may
be that a future Orwellian war is waged as a virtual reality -- the effects of
which might not be simulated.
attempts to rationalize the egregious war crimes it inflicts on the dispossessed
Palestinians. Yet, notwithstanding the verisimilitude of Mr. Milgram’s
hypothesis of a shift in the focus of morality, the essence of morality still
Kohlberg was a Harvard University developmental psychologist who sought to
assess moral development. He developed a continuum composed of three levels
with six stages. He theorized that the orientation to law, order, and authority
reflects a middle or conventional level of morality. Most people don’t make it
past this level according to Mr. Kohlberg. Post-conventional morality
represents a higher level of moral reasoning that rejects unquestioning
obedience to authority with an emphasis on rationally-based principles. The
highest stage of Mr. Kohlberg’s theory is that of universal principles guided
by conscience. It is a stage to which all humans should aspire.
morality states that all people must apply equally the same level of morality
to themselves as they do to others.
a people who survived the Nazi ouster and genocide should, with the backing of
empire, pervert its own history through the expulsion of the indigenous
Palestinian people and inflict penury, humiliation, and a slow-motion genocide
on the remaining Palestinians speaks volumes to immorality. The insidious
agenda of many Zionist Jews has tainted the entire Jewish nation such that it
is now invites comparisons to Nazi Germany.
who dare to speak out against the state of Israel’s war crimes are attacked
vociferously with, what is now through frequent misuse, the bedraggled epithet
of anti-Semitism. This is patently absurd. Not only that it is intellectually
inane. To label opponents of Israeli apartheid and racism as anti-Semites is to
engage in ad hominem attack, the wicked purpose of which is to deflect attention
away from war crimes.
occupation of Palestine characterizes the subornation of Israelis by a scofflaw
the Jewish people are not monolithic. Various Jewish groups and citizens do
reject the evil occupation. Conscience does come to the fore. Importantly, a
growing number of brave Israelis are now refusing to serve in Occupied
Palestine. The Zionist state has come down hard on this new generation of moral
leaders in Israel. These refuseniks, as they have become known, are honored by
the words of the renowned physicist Albert Einstein who was alarmed by the
seeds of destruction he recognized in the Israeli state. Mr. Einstein saw
salvation in people like the refuseniks.
Mr. Einstein: "The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and
women) who refuse military service."
Petersen lives in Nova Scotia and is a regular
contributor to Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be reached at: kimpetersen@gyxi.dk
Related Articles and Resources
* The group Jewish Voice for Peace has a
website that seeks corporate responsibility from Caterpillar: http://www.catdestroyshomes.org/
* A joint campaign of Progressive Portal
and Jewish Voice for Peace that sends letters to the Caterpillar board of
directors holding Caterpillar accountable for the criminal use of its products
by the Israeli army. The aim is to get Caterpillar to stop selling bulldozers
to Israel:
** "Upholding
our Reputation for Integrity": Caterpillar and Israeli War Crimes by
Neve Gordon
** The Meaning of
Rachel Corrie by Edward Said
* Not
Getting It: The Mind of Thomas Friedman
* Scaremongering
Against Muslims, The Importance of Reading, and Media Titillation
* Recalcitrance
and Exasperation
* CBC and
the Dearth of Political Issues
* Dispelling
the Orwellian Spin: The Real Foreign Terrorists
* China,
Neoliberalism, and the WTO
* An Act of
Cowardice that Must Surely be Unrivalled in History: Challenging the Assumption of Valour
* The
Buck Stops Here or Does It?
* Superpower
in Suspended Animation
* Scarcely
a Peep in Mainland China
* Pulp
Fiction at the New York Times: Fawning at the Feet of Mammon
* Canadian Predation in Africa
Steve Niva, "Rachel Corrie, Nuha Sweidan and Israeli War Crimes,"
Dissident Voice, 18 March 2003: http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles2/Niva_Corrie-Sweidan.htm
Corrie Heller, "Israel to get remote-control bulldozers --
institute," Reuters, 31 October 2003: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L31286741.htm
Jeff Halper, "The Message of the Bulldozer," Media Monitor Network,
12 August 2002: http://www.mediamonitors.net/halper11.html
Walter Goodman, "Crime and Punishment: The Trial of Eichmann," New
York Times, 30 April 1997. Available on the University of Pennsylvania
Department of English website: http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/Holocaust/eichmann-tv.html
Stanley Milgram, "The Perils of Obedience," Harper’s Magazine, 1974.
Available on think - truth/wisdom unabashed website: http://home.swbell.net/revscat/perilsOfObedience.htm