Geov Parrish
14, 2003
the American and foreign press, you'd think two separate agreements were being
reached this month to allow poor countries to buy generic versions of
life-saving pharmaceutical drugs.
the first agreement, as reported by the New York Times, the pact, intended to
"improve the access of millions of people in [poor] countries to expensive
patented medicines for AIDS and other diseases," stood to "enhance
the Bush administration's international standing." The Bush
Administration, which had blocked a similar agreement last December, had
reversed itself, we learn; this represented a tremendous victory for the
world's poor, a victory won over the outraged protests of Big Pharma and in stark
contrast to the White House's previous intransigence.
set aside for a moment how much money has been made in the last nine months by
US pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer--which led the global lobbying against
the use of generics--or how many people who might otherwise have survived died
because of the delay in the agreement. No, let's turn instead to that other
agreement--the one which Ellen t'Hoen of the volunteer doctors' organization
Medecins sans Frontires called "disastrous." The one that Oxfam's
Michael Bailey says "isn't really anything to cheer about."
quotes appeared in the British press, which is considerably more skeptical
about the Bush Administration's "concession." So which is it?
be sure, the Bushies needed an agreement. The rift between Washington and poor
countries over this issue was threatening to derail next month's meeting of the
World Trade Organization in Cancun, Mexico. In the preliminary negotiations for
that meeting, Washington has been pushing hard to lock in trade advantages for
itself on a host of issues, from intellectual property to privatization of
public services to the dumping of agricultural goods. But especially in the
wake of the AIDS pandemic, no issue is more contentious, or more a matter of
life and death, than poor countries' access to cheap generics. Washington's
stubbornness on the issue threatened to provoke a repeat of the revolt by poor
and especially African nations at the 1999 Seattle WTO ministerial, a trauma
which nearly killed the organization.
was the rock on one side of the White House. The hard place opposite it was the
pharmaceutical industry, among the Bush Administration's biggest campaign
donors heading into an election for which the White House has begun to raise
$200 million.
Pharma won. The world's poor lost.
the Geneva deal, manufacturers of generics would be allowed for the first time
to export their products to countries which don't have an internal drug
industry. This has been at the heart of the matter, particularly since
countries like India and Brazil have begun manufacturing generic equivalents of
US-patented anti-AIDS drugs.
the agreement's fatal flaw, according to the NGOs on the front lines of health
care in the South, is the export process itself. It involves having the
manufacturing country issue a license overriding foreign patents--a process
that might be too cumbersome for the manufacturers, and that leaves exporting
countries susceptible to pressure to not grant the licenses.
wealthy enough to make their own generic drugs are currently allowed, under WTO
rules, to override foreign patents within their own borders during a health
emergency. The US itself came close to taking this step during the 2001 anthrax
murders. It's only the poorest countries, the ones without the capacity to make
such drugs, that are left helpless by the exorbitant prices of patented drugs.
The same countries are the ones with the worst public health infrastructure for
dealing with nightmare scenarios like AIDS--and the least political or economic
leverage for being able to expedite a licensing process that is under the
control of the exporting government.
poses so many hurdles and hoops to jump through that we are really worried it
may not work at all," t'Hoen was quoted as saying in the Guardian.
"We need more industrial activity and greater competition in the market.
That is the mechanism which is being killed."
here in America--one of the countries whose export licensing process might just
conceivably be influenced by lobbying from the likes of Pfizer--everything's
pretty much rosy, and the world appreciates Bush anew. Here's the New York
Times again: "After weeks of intensive negotiations, the United States won
assurances that countries would not take advantage of the arrangement to
increase exports of generic drugs to nations that are not poor and do not have
a medical emergency."
forbid cheap drugs be made available more widely. But we did learn, from the
Times, that US pharmaceutical companies are satisfied with the agreement--which
in itself suggests that there's a catch, since such companies have a long
history of basing their pricing on what the market will bear. Thus, economies
of scale notwithstanding, their prices tend to go up, not down, in a medical
emergency. If they're happy, something's wrong.
catch, of course, is in the very process of trade negotiation--a point which
was made emphatically both inside and outside those now-notorious meetings in
Seattle. Here we have an issue upon which the global public health of hundreds
of millions, even billions of people may rest--and it is being decided not by
the World Health Organization or some similar international public health
agency, but by an institution, the WTO, devoted to protecting commercial
interests, in this case the sanctity of intellectual property.
like having the IRS decide tax law. Commercial interests will win, because by
definition they have greater priority to the WTO. Peoples' health and survival
very process itself is designed, in the case of generic drugs, to consign
millions of poor people to unnecessary death. There isn't a lucrative enough
market for keeping them alive. That's the principle that for the last nine
months, the Bush Administration has gone to the mat to fight for.
are pretty good they've won. This month's agreement will surely help in some
instances, but it's far too little and quite a bit too late. Until global
health decisions are made on the basis of keeping the afflicted alive, not on
the basis of keeping Pfizer's stockholders happy, people will keep right on
dying needlessly.
Geov Parrish is a
Seattle-based columnist and reporter for the Seattle Weekly, In These Times and
Eat the State! This article first appeared in Eat The State!