Mickey Z.
15, 2003
to "The Emerging Framework of World Power," the latest Noam Chomsky
CD released by AK Press (http://www.akpress,org),
anyone familiar with Chomsky's work can't help but be struck with a sense of deja
vu. The lecture may have been recorded post-9/11 but much of the context
offered (Middle East crisis, U.S. intervention in Central America, etc.) is
familiar territory to any seasoned dissident. This however, is not a criticism.
Rather, it's an acknowledgement of a useful jumping-off point for discussing the
intrinsic value of such CDs. To comprehend and appreciate that value involves
the recognition of two crucial points.
first requires that same seasoned dissident to adopt a beginner's mind. For me,
this recalls the time Anarchy magazine called Chomsky's analysis "pedestrian."
Of course it's pedestrian to the average Anarchy reader but what about the
newcomer? Try to remember the first time you read something that blew your
mind...that feeling of revelation that changed the way you think forever. Why
deny that experience to those who've never even heard of Noam Chomsky or AK
Press or Anarchy magazine? We're only talking about the vast majority of humans
on the planet. This is not to say we blindly agree with everything someone like
Chomsky says but instead, we recognize his value as a resource and do our best
to share that value. Stop looking down your subversive nose and playing the
"who's more radical?" game. Chomsky's not just preaching to the
converted. "The Emerging Framework of World Power" may offer little
new to you but for most people, it's a desperately needed intellectual
the second point, I'd like to recall something the late Pakistani dissident,
Eqbal Ahmad, said about Chomsky in the book, "Confronting Empire":
"He has never wavered. He has never fallen into the trap of saying, 'Clinton
will do better.' Or 'Nixon was bad but Carter at least had a human rights
presidency.' There is a consistency of substance, of posture, of outlook in his
work. Consistency, of course, means repetition. Over the last twenty years,
Chomsky has repeated himself a lot...the truth has to be repeated. It doesn't
become stale just because it has been told once."
or not, repetition is precisely how Corporate America does it...the same
messages pounded into our brains until we submit. Such indoctrination is not
easily challenged and it often requires the same brand of replication to do so.
Going back to our seasoned dissident, this reiteration has the added value of
refreshing one's memory of the kind of facts needed to back up your critiques.
Emerging Framework of World Power" is just one of many radical CDs distributed
by organizations like AK Press. It just might be a beneficial move for a
seasoned dissident like you to check it out as a refresher course and then pass
it on to someone who, say, actually believes Saddam Hussein was responsible for
the 9/11 attacks or still uses the phrase "liberal media."
Mickey Z. is the author
of The Murdering of My Years: Artists and Activists Making Ends Meet (www.murderingofmyyears.com) and
an editor at Wide Angle (www.wideangleny.com).
He can be reached at: mzx2@earthlink.net.
Other Recent Articles by Mickey Z.
* A
Ceremonial Journey: Bush's Progress
* History
Forgave Churchill, Why Not Blair and Bush?
* Incomprehensible
Reluctance? AIDS Dissent and Africa