Good News' Last Gasp
Administration Fails to Alter Public's Growing
Perception of Post-War Iraq
Bill Berkowitz
13, 2003
little over a month into the Bush Administration's Operation Good News -- the
president's effort to change the public's perception about events in Iraq --
bad news dominates the Iraqi reality. On most days, to paraphrase bluesman
Albert King's "Born Under a Bad Sign," "If it wasn't for bad
news, there wouldn't be no news at all."
a few recent stories: The White House, essentially admitting that its post-war
plans for Iraq and Afghanistan have been failures, has created an "Iraq
Stabilization Group," to be run by national security adviser Condoleezza
Rice; David Kay, the head of the Bush Administration's weapons of mass destruction
hunting party in Iraq, returned home empty handed; Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo
Sanchez, the commander of coalition forces in Iraq, recently pointed out that
that the guerilla resistance is stiffening -- "This is still
wartime," the Lt. Gen. said; the number of U.S. casualties in Iraq has
soared above 320, while more than 1740 have been wounded (an average of nearly
nine per day since March 20); and, on the first Saturday in October, crowds of
ex-Iraqi soldiers charged U.S. forces and Iraqi police in Baghdad and Basra,
protesting the lack of jobs and possible pay cuts.
administration's good news campaign began as barely a murmur in the Internet's
blog-o-sphere, but it didn't take long to reach a full-throated roar. Internet
bloggers Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Reynolds helped drive "the campaign to
get more balance [read that, good news] into Iraq reporting," conservative
columnist John Leo recently wrote. The charge was that the media not only had a
predilection for airing bad news, but was intentionally ignoring the good news
from Iraq.
Bush Administration played its part as top-level officials blanketed the tube:
The president shared his thoughts with the Fox News Channel's Brit Hume;
Condoleezza Rice graced several talking head programs; Team Bush met with
Republican Congressional leaders "to counter media reports that they
believe accentuate U.S. casualties and give little attention to progress toward
stability in Iraq," VOA (Voice of America) News reported.
critics claimed there was a blackout of the good news coming from Iraq because
of the media's "if it bleeds, it leads" credo. Then, insidious
accusations that the media was undercutting U.S. efforts and aiding the
guerrilla resistance cropped up.
conservative media watchdog group, Media Research Center (MRC), in its daily
"Media Research Center CyberAlert," characterized recent national
newscasts on ABC and CBS as "Another round of depressing news."
According to the Media Research Center's experienced media watchers, on
Thursday, September 26, ABC's Jim Scuitto looked at how "a wave of rapes
and kidnappings of women has followed the war" in the nation in which
women previously 'had more freedom to study, to work and to dress as they like
than in many Persian Gulf countries,' but 'now they see those rights under
threat from the lack of security and from Islamic fundamentalists.' It's so bad
that 'some women will even say they were better off under Saddam.'" The
same evening, MRC pointed out that CBS's Allen Pizzey reported how "poverty
and a ruined infrastructure are most people's daily reality."
on the Fox News Channel, reporter Steve Harrigan had evidently gotten the
administration's message and wondered why "You don't see a happy Iraqi...
on TV," Harrigan told the hosts of the "Fox and Friends" morning
show. According to the MRC, Harrigan saw "a huge contradiction between the
Iraq he saw and the one he sees on U.S. TV networks." He said that the
families he spoke with were optimistic about the future and he "contrasted
it with how 'coming over here,' to the U.S., 'there's a huge gap, like two
analyst Amanda Monson reported that "Harrigan recalled following around a
happy cigarette factory worker who sees challenges, but 'he was really happy
and that's what you don't get over here. I come back here, I was out in a boat
last weekend in Tennessee and some guy said to me, 'they hate us over there,
right? They want to kill us.' That's the picture I think that everyone has over
here and that's what they're talking about. You don't see a happy Iraqi. I've
never seen one on TV.'"
John Leo column catalogued stories that begged to be told, including the
conversion of U.S. District Court Judge Don Walter of Shreveport, La., who was
opposed to the war but reversed himself after serving in Iraq as a U.S. adviser
on Iraq's courts. In a recent column, Judge Walker wrote: "The steady
drip, drip, drip of bad news may destroy our will to fulfill the obligations we
(Capitals his.)
the most controversial charge heard was that negative reporting not only hurt
the morale of U.S. troops in Iraq, but actively encouraged the guerrilla
resistance. In a recent Atlanta Journal Constitution column, Rep. Jim Marshall
(D-GA) wrote: "The falsely bleak picture [from Iraq] weakens our national
resolve, discourages Iraqi cooperation and emboldens our enemy."
Marshall, who had returned from a three-day House Armed Services Committee
visit, yearned for the early days of the invasion when "embedded
journalists reported the good, the bad and the ugly. Where are the embeds now
that we are in the difficult part of the war, now that fair and balanced
reporting is critically important to our chances of success?" Rep.
Marshall told the Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly that he'd like to see
stories on GI's playing soccer in Iraq.
to The Hill, a newspaper covering Congress, "Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), the
committee's ranking member, said, 'The media stresses the wounds, the injuries,
and the deaths, as they should, but for instance in Northern Iraq, Gen. [Dave]
Petraeus has 3,100 projects -- from soccer fields to schools to refineries --
all good stuff and that isn't being reported."
Rep. Marshall and his colleagues wouldn't want the public to base its
understanding of what's happening in Iraq on three days worth of visits and
conversations with U.S. civilian administrator L. Paul Bremer; Maj. Gen.
Ricardo Sanchez, overall commander of military forces in Iraq; and Gen.
Petraeus, commander of the 101st Airborne Division.
reporting on the chaotic unfolding of events in Iraq do face a delicate
balancing act. The Fox News Channel's Eric Burns argues that although
"journalists [can]... do stories about the deaths of American soldiers and
make the situation seem bleak [and]... .stories about schools being rebuilt and
make the situation seem hopeful... .[it] does not seem possible... for a single
report, or even a single news program, to present both sides of the issue, the
gloomy and the hopeful, which they should do in measures as equal as
embedded reporters filed story after story highlighting the early triumphs of
the military invasion, there was no hue and cry from the Bush Administration,
or other major U.S. media outlets for that matter, about balancing the good news
from the battlefield with the bad news from civilian neighborhoods. The bad
news, such as the number of civilian casualties caused by U.S. bombs -- of
which the Pentagon makes a point of not keeping track -- or the damage done to
Iraq's infrastructure, was an afterthought for most U.S. media outlets. It also
took months for the print media to even bother reporting on the hundreds of
wounded U.S. troops regularly airlifted to hospitals in the states.
an early October report for the Guardian newspaper, award-winning writer
Suzanne Goldenberg writes: "Iraq under the US-led occupation is a fearful,
lawless and broken place, where murder rates have rocketed, 80% of workers are
idle and hospital managers despair at shortages of IV sets and basic antibiotics.
Police are seen as thugs and thieves, and the American and British forces as
distant rulers, more concerned with protecting their troops than providing
security to ordinary Iraqis. The governing council they created is simply
Bill Berkowitz is a longtime
observer of the conservative movement. His WorkingForChange.com
column Conservative Watch documents the strategies, players, institutions,
victories and defeats of the American Right.
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