Britain Exports Weapons of Mass Destruction
John Pilger
19, 2003
conscious nature of Tony Blair's lies and distortions over Iraq is now clear.
Collectors will have their favourites. Mine is his statement in parliament on
29 January that "we do know of links between al-Qaeda and Iraq". As
the intelligence agencies have repeatedly confirmed, there were no links, and
Blair would have known this. Looking back, this lie sought to justify his
statement, in October 2001, that there would be "a wider war" against
Iraq only if there was "absolute evidence" of its complicity in 11
September. Of course, there was no evidence, and Blair must have known that,
12 March, he told parliament that France "is saying, whatever the
circumstances, it will veto a resolution" to invade Iraq. Two days
earlier, President Jacques Chirac had said the very opposite: that if Iraq
failed to co-operate with the UN inspectors, "it will be for the Security
Council and it alone to decide the right thing [and] war would become
inevitable". It was this deception that disillusioned even Clare Short.
festival of lies has shocked some people: those who still believe that their
elected representatives tell the truth. Perhaps they are prepared to tolerate
some "fudge", but not deliberate lies, especially those, such as
Blair's, that lead to the criminal killing of thousands of people.
he unusual? The great American muckraker I F Stone said: "All governments
are liars and nothing they say should be believed." To which the great
Irish muckraker Claud Cockburn added: "Never believe anything until it is
officially denied."
were referring to governments that could not be called to account for their
actions, regardless of their democratic gloss. The Blair government exemplifies
this corruption, which is the "democratic totalitarianism" that
Orwell described. It has many institutional forms; the most enduring is the
Foreign Office where, as the Scott inquiry into the arms-to-Iraq scandal was
told, there is "a culture of lying".
almost 20 years, the Foreign Office denied that the Suharto regime in Indonesia
was using British-supplied Hawk fighter-bombers (and armoured cars and
machine-guns) against defenceless people in illegally occupied East Timor,
where a third of the population was wiped out by the Indonesian occupation.
These lies were faithfully echoed by journalists. I remember the BBC's Jeremy
Paxman saying that even if Blair's new "ethical" foreign policy had
stopped the sale of Hawk aircraft, the presence of the aircraft in East Timor
was "not proved", which was precisely the line.
truth was the opposite; the use of Hawks in East Timor had been proved, over
and again, and the Foreign Office knew this, as Robin Cook was forced to admit
in 1999 when a Hawk flew low over the East Timorese capital in full view of the
foreign media.
of the lying is conducted at a routine "low level", in letters signed
by officials and junior ministers. I have filled half a filing cabinet with
recent example: two New Statesman readers wrote to their MP following a
reference of mine in January to Britain selling chemical weapons to Israel.
Nigel Griffiths, minister at the Department of Trade and Industry, replied that
the allegation was "entirely without foundation" and claimed that
Britain had destroyed all its chemical weapons.
he omitted to say was that chemical weapons technology and capability are still
being manufactured in Britain and sold to some 26 countries, including Israel.
These are toxic chemical precursors, or TCPs, the sale of which is banned under
the Chemical Weapons Convention. British sales of TCPs are recorded in the
government's Strategic Export Control Annual Report, which is a model of
obscurantism. In effect, it hides them and other banned or borderline weapons
was revealed a year ago in the Glasgow Sunday Herald by the investigative
journalist Neil Mackay ("Britain's chemical bazaar", 9 June 2002).
The DTI had admitted to Mackay that the sales of TCPs had been authorised by
the government, even though it was not known what they would be used for. As
Mackay pointed out, the Chemical Weapons Convention says the export of TCPs can
go ahead only when it is clear that their ultimate use is not prohibited under
the convention. In other words, the British government can license TCPs only
when it is 100 per cent certain that they will not be weaponised. In any case,
Griffiths's officials told Mackay that promises about them being for use in
agriculture could easily be broken. "It is impossible to know what happens
to them in the stages that come after they leave Britain," said one
Julian Perry Robinson of the Science and Technology Policy Research Unit at
Sussex University, an expert on the Chemical Weapons Convention, said a TCP
such as dimethyl methylphosphonate could easily be turned into sarin nerve gas.
Sarin was the agent used in the 1995 attack on the Tokyo Underground, which
killed 12 people. "Every single chemical warfare agent can be made from
toxic chemical precursors," he said.
Blair government has approved the sale of these toxic precursors to regimes
that have not even signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, such as Israel,
Libya, Taiwan and Syria. Moreover, it has carried on this trade while Blair has
lied about the "threat" of Iraq's chemical weapons.
is hardly surprising. Under Blair, Britain has reclaimed its place as the
world's second biggest weapons dealer. Britain sells to 50 countries engaged in
conflict, including both sides in the India/Pakistan conflict. Last year, when
Blair was in the subcontinent playing "peacemaker", he was secretly
tying up a deal with India for the same Hawk fighters that devastated East
Timor. He has backed Britain's biggest ever and most corrupt arms deal - with
the unstable and repressive dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, a birthplace of
about these matters, about war and peace, is not new. Addressing the French
public in 1767, Voltaire wrote: "Anyone who has the power to make you
believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices." It is
time we denied them that power.
John Pilger is a renowned investigative
journalist and documentary filmmaker. This year, Pilger was named the winner of
the Sophie Prize, one of the world's most
distinguished environmental and development prizes. He was also named Media Personality of the Year, at this
year's EMMA awards. His latest book is The New Rulers of the World
(Verso, 2002). Visit John Pilger’s website at: http://www.johnpilger.com