Protocols - a Neocon Manifesto
Simon Jones
21, 2003
have to confess. The outrageous in-your-face behavior of the neocons finally
got to me as Armageddon approaches, after seeing more and more references to
it (albeit usually wacky), I recently downloaded the Protocols of the Elders
of Zion. Guiltily, mind you, as if it were Mein Kampf or porno. I
bet you haven’t dared (or bothered) to read it.
what is this best-selling political tract of the 20th century, the reading of
which carried the death penalty in Stalinist Russia, lauded by the likes of
Henry Ford and Winston Churchill, and then loudly condemned for the past 60
years since it was briefly declared an anti-Semitic forgery (in a Swiss court
in 1935 overturned by the Appeals Court in 1937)?
bile aside, it is in fact a series of 24 mostly articulate, well-argued lectures
outlining a plan for world capitalist domination, with sharp political and
social analysis, lots of Machiavelli and a Marxian sophistication in its
understanding of capitalism and historical processes. Briefly, it outlines a
plan of world conquest by first establishing world government by consent. As
with any brilliant political analysis, it has been denounced, dismissed,
misinterpreted and banned. And made very good use of by those lusting for world
immediately struck me was that with a little dusting off, abridging and
updating, it could easily be the handbook of the neocons. With the wonders of
modern computers, you can download a free copy from the Internet, cleanse it of
anti-Semitism by replacing "fellow Jews" with "neocons" and
make sense of what’s happening in the world today.
its origins are still unknown, it was clearly inspired by the French revolution
and its aftermath, the then-popular Masonic order, and most of all the nascent
19th century Zionist movement. All that we know is that it was written in
France and brought to Russia, supposedly in 1884. It first appeared in print in
St Petersburg in 1903, but reached the West only after the Russian revolution.
It caused an immediate sensation, originally crudely interpreted as foretelling
the Bolshevik revolution as the crucial link in a Jewish conspiracy to rule the
world. As such, it was admired by the likes of Churchill and Ford, both
confirmed anti-communists and anti-Semites.
it has the prescience to allow for an anti-capitalist revolution on the way to
its final goal, but there’s nothing even vaguely socialist in it. It’s firmly
founded on a plan for capitalist domination through Jewish control of
international finance and just happened to appear at the very moment of the
founding of the Zionist movement, with its goal of establishing as soon as
possible a Jewish state in Palestine, backed by powerful worldwide Ashkenazy
Jewish economic interests.
as if an especially ruthless and well-read 19th c Zionist, inspired by the
Rothschilds and other great Jewish financiers of the time, wrote it or most of
it, as I am sure is the case. Really, it reads as if it were written by the
Jungian shadow of the likes of Zionism's founder, Theodore Herzl, or any of
Israel's notables from Ben Gurion to Ariel Sharon. Its anti-goyim callousness
certainly indicate it was not written for public consumption, and after Hitler,
it was relegated to the Forbidden Shelf in ALL libraries along with Mein Kampf
and naked bottoms. But it is very hard to believe that it is a spoof or a mere
provocation, as it is just too impressive in detail and understanding of the
logic of late 19th c capitalism.
Hitler read it? I bet the Nazis read it carefully. They certainly followed much
of its advice, from how to use the press, to how to manipulate both politicians
and the masses in consolidating their political hold. It's also clear why
destruction of the Jews became Hitler's tragic obsession. His New World
Order (NWO) would have to exclude a group even remotely connected with such a
scheme for world domination. As the neocons warn today: “You are either with us
or against us.”
trouble with the Protocols is that it has been interpreted since it was
published to suit the prejudices of the moment. In pre-revolutionary Russia, it
provided fuel for the already widespread Russian anti-Semitism. In post-WWI
Europe and America, it provided fuel against the Russian revolution. In the
post-WWII world, it became the Bible of American isolationists and racists who
see the poor UN as the dreaded “World Government,” backed by the Soviet Union
and 3rd world revolutions. Now it is read by Muslims as proof of the conspiracy
by US imperialism to destroy them.
problem is that there have been many variations on the theme of the NWO ever
since the collapse of the Roman Empire. The French revolution and Napoleonic
conquests, the Masonic lodges, imperial Germany and England all have had their
own NWO fantasy. The Russian revolution was the most radical attempt at a NWO,
and even can be distinguished for the large number of Jews who took part, but
despite the fact that the Protocols was first published in Russia and
strictly banned during the Soviet period, the Soviet experiment was not even
remotely the final World Government of the Protocols, as it was
anti-capitalist in its essence.
red herring in it is of course 'Jewish', which is supposed to refer to a race.
The Jews referred to in the Protocols are the European Ashkenazy Jews,
who had been traditionally usurers and who were in the 19th century becoming
increasing wealthy and part of the mainstream European culture. From them
sprang the Zionists, who transformed a religion where God is to bring them to
the 'promised land' someday into an active plan to seize Palestine based on
their growing international economic and financial might. So it is this group
that is the real inspiration behind the Protocols and not some amorphous
Jewish RACE. Think of the authors as the neocons of the day. For by the 19th
century, usury was the norm, and the rapid spread of capitalism meant that the
Western world effectively became Jewish, as Marx put it, and adopted the Jewish
idea of success.
another problem. It is loudly dismissed as a forgery. Hello? It was anonymous,
so how can it be a forgery. Who forged what? No wonder the Swiss Appeals Court
threw the case out. In that case we can dismiss the Bible as a forgery. And who
cares who wrote the Psalms anyway? They stand on their own merits, as does the Protocols
stripped of a few provocative phrases here and there, which could have been
slipped in by anyone.
may well protest: “The Protocols attributes the conscious machinations
of Jews to be behind all historical developments. I don’t believe the Zionists
are either so powerful, or so far-sighted.” In answer: It’s not necessary for
our actions to be premeditated. The logic of world capitalism sweeps us along,
whether we like it or not. Some players are more conscious (and ruthless) than
others. They become the Herzls, the Wolfowitzes, the Sharons. The rest of us
get swept along, either yielding to, or fighting the current: the Bushes and the
Schwartzeneggers or the goyim. The Protocols (or its original, if
it is indeed a forgery) was inspired by the new economic system sweeping the
world, and composed by the 19th century equivalent of the neocons. It hasn’t
played itself out yet, just as capitalism hasn’t played itself out. We ignore
it at our peril.
the Zionist movement with the other great attempt at a NWO from the 19th
century on -- the world socialist movement. It is far weaker, split by nationalism
and hundreds of ideological splinters, and motivated by social justice, a far
less competitive motivation that money, wealth and power-for-its-own-sake. The Protocols
is quite clear about this: "Our triumph has been rendered easier by the
fact that in our relations with the men whom we wanted we have always worked
upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon
the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man: and each one of
these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for
it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their
activities.” (I)
is no fear of the dangerous effective of democracy: ”The abstraction of freedom
has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is
nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and
that the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove. It is this possibility
of replacing the representatives of the people which has placed them at our
disposal, and, as it were, given us the power of appointment." (I)
never had a chance against this corrosive Machiavellianism, though, just in
case, the Protocols had a plan: "The hour strikes when, not for the
sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred
towards the privileged, the lower classes of the goyim will follow our lead against our rivals for
power, the intellectuals of the goyim." (IV) This is the only
reference to the use of a revolt of the masses, which was seized upon to
associate the Protocols with the
Russian revolution. Rather slim pickings, and it reveals the strategy is to
undermine the “intellectuals of the goyim”, i.e., the socialist
opposition to world capitalism.
the contrary, the Russian revolution seemed to really shake the very
foundations of the plan for world capitalist domination. Curiously in its first
30 years the SU had the Zionists split. Why? Well, no doubt partly because many
rank-and-file Zionists were socialist by persuasion, truly wanted the SU to
succeed and hoped for a socialist Israel as a bonus (Herzl's utopian
novel depicts a socialist Israel). But for the Zionist fanatics of the Protocols,
their fence-sitting was because achieving their own state was the main
priority, and required the support of both the communist and capitalist camps.
as for the softer versions of socialism which have surfaced occasionally in the
West, their headway has always been kept well in check, and social democratic
reforms were rolled back very easily after the collapse of the SU, via the
tactics envisaged in the Protocols. So the plan of the Protocols
should not be confused with the many variations on a socialist/ communist NWO.
Protocols also lauds "the successes we arranged for Darwinism,
Marxism, Nietzscheism." (II) Why promote such radicals? Because of the
"disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the
goyim." Just how central to Marx’s success these Zionists
were is debatable.
it's become clear to me that Zionists have penetrated and tried to control all
the NWO fantasies, from left to right, to further their own cause. It is not
surprise then that they have been at the center of the present neocon
insurgency from the start. And as for the EU-as-NWO, Sharon even suggested
Israel should join the EU since ‘we share common ideals’. In spite of Israel’s
loathing for the UN, it is at the very heart of THAT beleaguered, clumsy
organization too (with a stake in hand just in case, it can be argued). It has
recently been revealed that Zionists are even involved with extreme right
anti-Semitic movements in Europe and with the creation of Hamas. After all,
anti-Semitism is the Zionist’s best defense. "The Jewish group has thrived
on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world."
(Albert Einstein, Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938)
anti-Semitism got out of control under Hitler and it even looked like it was
touch-and-go for a while for the Ashkenazy Jews of Europe, but fascism was in
turn destroyed by a capitalist-communist alliance, with Zionists at its heart,
as the Protocols so brilliantly foretold: "For a time perhaps we
might be successfully dealt with by a coalition of the goyim of all the
world: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them
whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up."
(VI) Divide and rule!
Holocaust gave the fanatical Zionists their long-sought state, which allowed
them to discard any socialist pretensions and nurture the capitalist-Zionist
alliance essential to the goal of world domination. The defining moment is
perhaps the triumph of the neocons under Reagan in the 1980s. The Zionists had
consolidated their hold on American foreign policy under Democrat Carter, and
were ready to make the alliance official under Republican Reagan. It is at this
point that the very term Zionist and even Jew can be discarded. As I have
argued elsewhere, ‘We are all Jews now.’ (http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles4/Jones_Palestine.htm) And with the Bush coup in 2000, we all (for
the present at least) have become neocons (or goyim). As the opposition
grows weaker, with the shield of the Holocaust at the ready, the neocon-Zionist
alliance has begun to act more and more brazenly to consolidate its hold on the
world and destroy the last meaningful resistance - the Islamic world.
only was the Holocaust and the way to defeat it foreseen in the Protocols,
but, like the anti-Semitism that gave rise to it, it has been turned into the
ultimate defense of the Zionist cause. A kind of perverse win-win situation for
the Zionists.
transformed important anti-Semites into Judeophiles overnight. While Churchill
was an enthusiastic reader of the Protocols before WWII, he became an
enthusiastic supporter of the foundation of Israel after, and shifted his
anti-Semitism onto the Arabs. Stalin, also a confirmed anti-Semite, provided
the key vote at the UN to approve the foundation of Israel and supplied crucial
arms via Czechoslovakia to the beleaguered state, foolishly thinking he could
ultimately manipulate. Ha, ha! Finally it became the linchpin in consolidating
today’s neocon-Zionist alliance, and a brilliant defense for all manner of
Zionist crimes: “We can do anything to defend ourselves after the Holocaust!”
icing on the cake is the impressive Holocaust museum which blends in tastefully
with the Lincoln and Washington memorials in the heart of Washington, D.C.
(Note: There is no museum to the Holocaust against the native peoples or the
‘Old Europe’ has made some noises about this lethal NWO, the governments are
nonetheless beholden to it, and can do little but try to carve a slightly
bigger piece of the pie. No, the only meaningful remaining resistance to the
neocon-Zionist NWO is the as yet unbrainwashed goyim of the world - the
peace movement and the Islamic world, strange bedfellows at best.
there are some disturbing ripples in the NWO waters. Bush/ Sharon have chosen
the warpath, while the Soros branch, which includes Europe, wants a more
peaceful transition. The reckless policies of the erstwhile "servile
administrator" in Washington are quite possibly endangering the very
economic foundation of the NWO. The Protocols foresees such chaos,
though it presumes to be in control of it: "We shall soon begin to
establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which even large
fortunes of the GOYIM will depend to such an extent that they will go to the
bottom together with the credit of the States on the day after the political
smash...." (VI)
a collapse of the present world financial system is not at all beyond the realm
of possibility. And if it comes, it could take down the US government and the
neocons with it. It is here that the PROTOCOLS begins to unravel. The Protocols
assumes the corporate financial cabal controlling the world economy will be
invited to take over bankrupt governments with their World Government, as
indeed has been happening under the guise of IMF restructuring programs and
more recently by direct invasion. But the bankrupt and invaded countries, such
as Argentina, most of Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq for starters are proving to be
problematic, more than the cabal can digest.
just maybe, the neocons' gamble will trip them up before they reach the finish line
and they will end up along side the despised GOYIM at the bottom. A switch to a
gold dinar in the Muslim world and oil-euros for the rest would seriously
endanger the NWO, as would a massive ecological disaster, natural or man-made.
mild neocons (Soros etal) see this clearly and are scurrying to minimize
collateral damage. Theirs is a strategy closer to the spirit of the Protocols
- no overt wars, a careful amassing of power through education and the control
of the press, no dangerous splits in the capitalist-Zionist alliance, achieving
victory through financial and trade blackmail. Have a look at the Protocols
yourself. It’s all there.
are these cowboy jackboot high jinks a momentary glitch in the triumphal march
to the neocon-Zionist paradise? Will a Howard Dean, urged on by Soros, put the
out-of-control steamroller back on its proper path? Or has the Protocols
played itself out? Is our present apocalyptic scenario instead a crack that
gives us hope of emerging from this nightmarish plot?
don't know about the Elders, the Symbolic Snake, the actual killing off of the goyim,
whether the line of King David will be re-established to rule the world, the
importance of the Masons, or whether the French Revolution "was wholly the
work of our hands". There's surprisingly little of such bile for a work of
such notoriety, and it can be easily edited out so as not to distract from the
sharp analysis. Perhaps it was added by an anti-Semite as a provocation. Who
knows? As for the Masons, come to think of it, the popularity of them, the Yale
Skull and Bones, and other such Monty-Pythonesque groups shows a stubborn
inclination by would-be GOYIM leaders to voluntarily (i.e., consciously or
unconsciously) make themselves part of a world conspiracy, however idiotic.
not so much the problem. The major flaw behind the logic of the Protocols
is its basic premise - that there is a Jewish race. There is only one
race - the human race. Just have a look at Israeli society if you think there
is a racial basis to Judaism. But hey! Scientists are discovering that there
are genes which are responsible for skin color, that define risk-takers or
those susceptible to various diseases… Maybe there’s a gene for these would-be
Elders of Zion. Perhaps the NY Times will post the following soon: The
Zionist-neocons now welcome to their fold those who share their lust for
capitalist world domination. All those with gene DN145, please sign up here. We
are all equal before Mammon. MBA schools will go crazy.
Masonic lodges, Skull and Bones fraternities, the Jewish ‘race’ itself are just
foils in this march of world capitalism, gathering in like-minded wanabes as it
makes its final push for total control. It is somehow fitting that the once
reviled Jew should sit one day on the world’s golden throne surrounded by his
neocon minions. That is the Protocols’ vision of the end of
history. Eat your heart out Fukuyama!
Simon Jones is a Canadian freelance
journalist living in Uzbekistan. He writes for Peace Magazine (Toronto) and has
published pieces in Counterpunch and YellowTimes.org. He can be contacted at sj958@yahoo.com
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