Kucinich: Democrat in the Fray
Joshua Frank
15, 2003
movement against the Vietnam War reached its pinnacle in 1972 when Senator
George McGovern won the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination. His
incumbent challenger was President Richard Nixon. McGovern’s platform primarily consisted of two things;
withdrawing US troops from Vietnam and providing a guaranteed family income for
every household. However, his candidacy
fell well short of those lush lawns on Pennsylvania Avenue. He only garnered 37% of the popular
vote-count and walked away with a measly 17 electoral votes. It was Nixon by a landslide.
may have lost the election, but his vision of pulling out troops and bringing
back American POWs proved to be more than just a fantasy. In January of 1973, just over a year later,
North and South Vietnam signed the Paris Peace Accords, which ended the United
State’s combat role in Vietnam. By
February, many POWs began making their way home. The overwhelming opposition
that had grown across America initiated Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s
investigation with the North Vietnamese – which ultimately prompted US
movement protesting the conflict played a direct part in providing the US
initiation of those Accords. Although McGovern didn’t capture the White House,
his running for President was still a victory. The convictions he shared with millions of others inspired the
stop to the war - which came to a bloody end in 1975 when North Vietnamese
revolutionary forces took over the Republic of Vietnam.
have changed since the 70s. The Democratic Party of 2003 only bares the same
name as its retro predecessor, not much else.
It seems highly unlikely a McGovern of today could ever gain support
within the present Democratic conundrum. Liberal politicians are a novelty
these days. You can practically count
on one hand the Dems that aren’t card carrying members of Democratic Leadership
Council (DLC), the corporate fundraising wing of the Democratic Party. Perhaps
this elite guild would be more appropriately coined the “neoliberal junta.” So when a real progressive Democrat decides
to take on their fellow appeasers - it’s worth giving credence.
on February 17th it happened - Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio announced
his decision to seek the Democratic nomination for President. As Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus,
Kucinich has been at the forefront in opposing President Bush’s brutish foreign
and domestic policies. His opposition to the Iraq invasion and Bush’s
dismantling of civil liberties make him undoubtedly the most progressive
Democrat in the race. Kucinich hopes his leftist platform will excite
grassroots activists into putting their energies behind his candidacy.
his spokesperson Doug Gordon says Kucinich is an activist himself. “Dennis
protested the WTO in Seattle and marched in New York City and elsewhere
opposing Bush’s war on Iraq. He also
organized two thirds of the Democrats in the House of Representatives to oppose
Bush’s resolution authorizing unilateral force [on Iraq],” Gordon recently told
Left-Turn. “He’s one of you, he’s an
activist with a progressive vision for America.”
progressive vision may well resonate with many young activists. He says if
elected he will repeal NAFTA and exit the United States from the World Trade
Organization. Kucinich says, “NAFTA has spurred a $360 billion trade deficit,
costing 363,000 high-paying jobs, most in manufacturing. This is called free
trade. Where is freedom when jobs are lost? Where is freedom when industries
threaten to move out of the country unless wages are cut? Where is freedom when
the right to bargain collectively is crushed? Where is freedom when a union is
just as George McGovern was the anti-war’s elected voice during the late
Vietnam era - Kucinich hopes he can become the delegate of globalization’s
combatants. He certainly is the only Democrat running for President that has
lashed free trade with such a savory eloquence.
also sets himself apart from his fellow candidates by continuing his
condemnation of the war in Iraq. Several others in the Presidential chase have
been critical of Bush’s war, but none have blasted its illegalities as
fervently as Kucinich. On June 5th he led thirty members of the House of
Representatives in introducing a Resolution hoping to force the Bush
administration to release all their intelligence about Iraq’s aloof Weapons of
Mass Destruction. "This Administration led this nation into war based on
lies,” claims Kucinich, “now is the time for truth telling."
Kucinich political voyage caught wind in 1977, when at the age of 31 he became
Mayor of Cleveland Ohio. He was elected on a valiant promise that he would not
sell or privatize the city’s municipal power company, Muny Light. This was a
bold guarantee considering Cleveland was spiraling deeper into debt - selling
it off could have sparked some short-term relief. Nevertheless, he stuck by his
promise. Then in 1978, Cleveland banks refused to roll over the city’s debt and
forced Cleveland into default mode. A few months later private utilities
company CEI acquired monopoly status over Muny Light. It was exposed later that
in an Enron-like fiasco, acting directors at CEI had sat on the boards of the
very banks that refused to roll over Cleveland’s debt. Unfortunately, this new
knowledge was too little too late - Kucinich’s mayoral tenure had already come
to an end.
being elected out of office, Kucinich decided to abstain from public service
for over a decade. His political rebirth did not come until the mid-nineties. Supporters
of his revival praised his refusal to sell Muny Light back in ‘78. They claimed
he had been right all along by not allowing for the privatization of
Cleveland’s power. Overall, the city saved upwards of $195 billion by not
letting Muny Light go. Cleveland sent him a big “thank you” by electing him to
serve as their US Representative in 1996.
in 2002, Kucinich's popularity soared after he gave a fiery speech in Los
Angeles chastising the Bush team for their war-without-end philosophy. In his
talk sponsored by Southern California Americans for Democratic Action, he
blasted Bush by saying, “our children deserve a world without end, not a war
without end…. let us work for a world where someday war becomes archaic.”
small office in DC immediately flooded with thousands of phone calls, faxes and
e-mails. The crux of his statements circulated by the millions via the
internet. It was a true grassroots movement in our new cyber age. It seemed
Kucinich had reached pinup status overnight.
his alt-fame flourished, it became clear Kucinich was considering running for
President. Feminists spoke out immediately, damning his record on abortion -
which up until then had mirrored the Christian Right’s position with spooking
similarity. But as Kucinich states, his decision to swap sides in the choice
battle came after years of evolution.
a recent interview on National Public Radio (NPR) Kucinich asserted that he now
supports Roe vs. Wade. He said, “[Have I always?] No. But with the help of
women in my life and women who I've had the opportunity to talk to over the
years, I've seen how this really has become such a divisive and destructive
issue. And I think that we can work to achieve a society which supports a
woman's right to choose and we can do that within the context of working to
make abortions less necessary. We also have to, through sex education and birth
control try to create a culture which is life-affirming through prenatal care
and postnatal care, child care and a living wage.”
as the campaign season steams ahead, the question will be - will real
progressives support a candidate who is a member of the Democratic Party and
once sided with the pro-life brigade? People whom caste their vote for Ralph
Nader and the Green Party in 2000 may have some tough decisions to make in ‘04.
Currently the National Green Party has not decided if they are going to put
forth a Presidential contender. Since Bush’s record is arguably the worst of
any President in decades, they seem to be waiting to make a decision until
after the Democratic Primaries next fall. If Kucinich comes out victorious, the
Green Party will most likely decide not to run a candidate. However, as
National Green Party steering committee member Jo Chamberlain said, “it’s just
too early to tell what we’ll do, there won’t be any decisions made for
sometime. It truly depends on what Green Party members decide is best.”
could prove to be a deciding time for the Green Party. What shall they do?
Kucinich is turning out large crowds all over the states, from New England to
California. Most media outlets aren’t covering Kucinich’s campaign well, opting
instead to allocate their pages to more centrist Democrats like Connecticut’s
Joseph Liberman. Surely if the new base of antiwar/globalization activists
decide to back Kucinich, he will be a viable contender - in which case the
media will have a tougher time ignoring him.
other candidate who is rousing certain activist circles is ex-Vermont Governor
Howard Dean. Like Kucinich, Dean opposed the Iraq War, but as he claims, his
Middle East policy is more in line with AIPAC (the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee) then with Palestinian empathizers. Kucinich on the other
hand believes the peace process in the Middle East can only be jump started by
first confronting Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. But how he
plans to do so has yet to be articulated.
are other stark differences between Dean and Kucinich. Dean supports the death penalty, Kucinich
has called for its abolishment. Dean
supports NAFTA and the WTO. Kucinich as
noted, does not. Dean praises Clinton’s
repressive Welfare Reform Bill. Kucinich doesn’t, he believes it has unfairly
burdened single mothers. Dean doesn’t
support public financing of elections.
Kucinich of course does, he wants big money out of politics. As syndicated columnist Norman Solomon noted
in a recent article, Howard Dean is really a classic “Rockefeller Republican,”
he’s socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Mr. Dean is certainly no progressive.
may soon decide to put their Party loyalty on hold, combine tactics and back
Kucinich in 2004. In the least, it would force Democrats to expand their
discourse on issues important to millions of people.
Kucinich is attempting to do more than simply wave his finger at his
counterpart’s mishaps. As he exclaimed on NPR, “by raising these issues I'm
going to win. By raising these issues, I'll identify myself as the one
candidate who is in touch with the practical aspirations of people.”
brave campaign pledge may be tougher to keep then the promise he made while
running for mayor of Cleveland in 1977. Regardless, victory cannot always be
measured by electoral votes. McGovern didn’t win his Presidential election in
‘72, but his cause was victorious. Perhaps Kucinich’s aspirations of a better
future will be too.
can learn more about Kucinich and his campaign platform at http://www.denniskucinich.us/
Josh Frank is a journalist
living in New York City. His work appears frequently in Impact Press and online
at Counterpunch. This article first
appeared in Left Turn Magazine (www.leftturn.org).
He can be reached at frank_joshua@hotmail.com