Real change can come, in
Palestine as elsewhere,
only when people actively
will it
by Edward Said
Dissident Voice
December 22,
The daily
hemorrhage of Palestinian lives and property accelerates without respite. Both
the Arab and Western media report horrifically sensational suicide bombings,
complete with pictures and names of the victims as well as gut-wrenching
details. I do not hesitate now to say again that these efforts are morally
repugnant and politically disastrous on all sorts of grounds. But what I find
just as awful is the fact that Israel kills a far larger number of mostly
unarmed Palestinian civilians -- a 90- year-old man here, a whole family there,
a mentally disabled youth today, a nurse yesterday, and so on -- and refuses to
stop or in any way place restrictions on its troops who have visited mayhem on
the Palestinians unremittingly for far too many recent months. Most of the
time, however, these dreadful slaughters are reported on the back pages of
newspapers and never mentioned on TV. As for the continued practice of extra-
legal assassinations, Israel is allowed to get away with phrases from
journalists who use words like "alleged" or "officials say"
to cover their own irresponsibility as reporters. The New York Times in
particular is now so clotted with such phrases in reporting on the Middle East
(Iraq included) that it might as well be re-named "Officials Said".
In other words,
the fact that illegal Israeli practices continue to deliberately bleed the
Palestinian civilian population is obscured, hidden from view, though it
continues steadily all the time: 65 per cent unemployment, 50 per cent poverty
(people living on less than $2 a day), schools, hospitals, universities,
businesses under constant military pressure, these are only the outward
manifestation of Israeli crimes against humanity. Over 40 per cent of the
Palestinian population is malnourished and famine is now a genuine threat.
Non-stop curfews, the endless expropriation of land and the building of
settlements (now numbering almost 200), the destruction of crops, trees, houses
have made life for ordinary Palestinians intolerable. Many are leaving, or as
is the case with the inhabitants of Yanun village, must leave because settlers'
terror against them, the burning of their houses, and threats against their
lives make it impossible to stay. Ethnic cleansing is what this is all about,
although Sharon's demonic plan is to do it in tiny daily increments that won't
properly be reported and are never seen cumulatively as part of a general
pattern. With the Bush administration backing his policies unconditionally, no
wonder that Sharon can afford to say "we are placing no restriction on our
operations. Israel is under no pressure. No one is criticising us or has the
right to do so. We are talking here about Israel's right to protect its
citizens." (Reuters, IHT 15 November, 2002). Why this kind of arrogance
goes unanswered or isn't immediately associated with the kind of thing for
which Slobodan Milosevic is now being tried in the Hague is a sign of how
mendacious the international community has become. With US cover, Sharon kills
Palestinians at will under the guise of fighting terrorism.
Were this not bad
enough, there is in addition the sorry state of Palestinian and Arab politics,
many of its leaders and elites never more corrupt, rarely more injurious to
their people as now. Neither collectively nor individually have these people
put up any systematic strategy, much less even a systematic protest against
Washington's announced plans to re-draw the map of the Middle East after the
invasion of Iraq. All these regimes can do now seems to be either to market
themselves as indispensable to the US or to suppress any sign of dissent in
their midst. Or both together. The unseemly bickering and disorderliness of the
Iraqi opposition in London -- under the watchful eye of the US's Zalmay
Khalizad, an AUB graduate, once a neighbour of mine in New York, now a neo- conservative
protégé of Cheney and Wolfowitz -- gives an excellent idea of where we are as a
people. Representatives who represent only themselves, the condescending
imperial patronage of a power that is about to destroy a country in order to
grab its resources, the tyrannical, discredited local regimes (of which
Saddam's is the worst) ruling by terror, the absence of any semblance of
democracy within, and without, such regimes -- these are not reassuring
prospects for the future. What is especially noticeable about the general
situation is the powerlessness and silence of the overwhelming majority of the
people, who suffer their humiliation within an envelope of overall indifference
and repression. Everything in the Arab world is done either from above by basically
unelected rulers or behind a curtain by undesignated, albeit resourceful,
middlemen. Resources are bartered or sold without accountability; political
futures are designed for the convenience of the powerful and their local
sub-contractors; human compassion and care for the citizens' well being have
few institutions to nurture them.
The Palestinian
situation embodies all this with startling drama. As the culmination of its
35-year-old military occupation the Israeli army has spent the last nine months
destroying the rudimentary infrastructure of civilian life on the West Bank and
in Gaza: people there, in effect, live in cages, with electrical and concrete
fences or Israeli troops to guard and interdict their free movement. Yasser
Arafat and his men, who are at least as responsible for the current paralysis
and devastation because of what they signed away in Oslo, and for having given
legitimacy to the Israeli occupation, seem to be hanging on anyway, even as
extraordinary stories of their corruption and illegally acquired wealth dribble
out all over the Israeli, Arab and international media. It is deeply troubling
that many of these men have recently been involved in secret negotiations with
the EU, with the CIA, with the Scandinavian countries on the basis of their
former credibility as surrogates and servants of Arafat. In the meantime Mr
Palestine himself continues to issue orders and ludicrous denunciations, all of
them either futile or years out of date; his recent attack on Osama Bin Laden
is one example, as is his retrospective acceptance of the Clinton plan of 2000.
Still, he and his henchmen like the sinister Mohamed Rashid (aka Khalid Salam)
continue to employ large sums of money to bribe, to corrupt, and to prolong
their rule past all decency. No one seems to be paying attention as the
infamous Quartet announces a peace conference and reform with one voice on one
day, withdrawing the plan the next, while encouraging Israel in its repression
on the third day.
What could be
more preposterous than the call for Palestinian elections, which Mr Arafat of
all people, imprisoned in an Israeli vice, announces, retracts, postpones, and
re-announces. Everyone speaks of reform except the very people whose future
depends on it, i.e. the citizens of Palestine, who have endured and sacrificed
so much even as their impoverishment and misery increases. Isn't it ironic, not
to say grotesque, that in the name of that long-suffering people schemes of
rule are being hatched everywhere, except by that people itself? Surely the
Swedes, the Spanish, the British, the Americans and even the Israelis know that
the symbolic key to the future of the Middle East is Palestine, and that is why
they do everything within their power to make sure that the Palestinian people
are kept as far away from decisions about the future as possible. And this
during a heated campaign for war against Iraq, during which numerous Americans,
Europeans and Israelis have openly stated that this is the time to re-draw the
map of the Middle East and bring in "democracy".
The time has
come for the emperor who claims to be wearing new clothes, which he calls
democracy, to be exposed for the charlatan he really is. Democracy cannot be
imported or imposed: it is the prerogative of citizens who can make it and
desire to live under it. Ever since the end of World War Two, the Arab
countries have been living in various states of "emergency", which
has been a license for their rulers to do what they want in the name of
security. Even the Palestinians under Oslo had a regime imposed on them that
existed first of all to serve Israel's security, and second, to serve (and
help) itself.
For all sorts of
reasons, among them that the cause of Palestine (like the liberation of
apartheid South Africa) has always served as a model for Arabs and fair-minded
idealistic people everywhere, it is today imperative that Palestinians take
steps to restore the fashioning of their destiny to their own hands. The
political stage in Palestine is now divided between two unattractive and
unviable alternatives. On one side there is what is left of the Authority and
Arafat, on the other the Islamic parties. Neither one nor the other can
possibly secure a decent future for the citizens of Palestine. The Authority is
so discredited, its failure to build institutions so basic, its corrupt and
cynical history so compromised in every way as to render it incapable of being
entrusted with the future. Only rogues will pretend otherwise, as some of its
security chiefs and prominent negotiators are now pretending. As for the
Islamic parties, they lead desperate individuals into a negative space of
endless religious strife and anti-modern decline. If we speak of Zionism as
having failed politically and socially, how can it be acceptable to turn passively
to another religion and look there for worldly salvation? Impossible. Human
beings make their own history, not gods or magic or miracles. Purifying the
land of "aliens", whether it is spoken of by Muslims, Christians or
Jews, is a defilement of human life as it is lived by billions of people who
are mixed by race, history, ethnic identity, religion or nationality.
But a large
majority of Palestinians and, I think, Israelis, know these things. And
fortunately a political alternative already exists that is neither Hamas nor
Arafat's Authority. I am speaking here of an impressive formation of
Palestinians in the occupied territories who in June of this year announced a
new Palestinian national initiative (moubadara wataniya). Among its leaders are
Dr Mustafa Barghouti and Dr Haidar Abdel-Shafi, Rawia Al-Shawa, and many more
independents who understand that in its weakened state Palestinian society is
being targeted for "reform" by parties whose real interest is to
liquidate Palestine as a political and moral force for years to come. Idle talk
of elections by Arafat and his lieutenants is meant to reassure outsiders that
democracy is on the way. Far from it -- these people simply want to continue
their corrupt and bankrupt ways by any means possible, including outright
fraud. The 1996 elections, it should be remembered, were conducted on the basis
of the Oslo process, the main aim of which was to continue Israeli occupation
under a different title. The Legislative Assembly (al majlis al-tashri'i) was in
reality powerless before both Arafat's edict and the Israeli veto. What Sharon
and the Quartet now propose is an extension of the same unacceptable regime.
This is why the National Initiative has become the inevitable choice for
Palestinians everywhere.
In the first
place, unlike the Authority, it proposes liberation from, rather than
cooperation with, the Israeli occupation. Second, it is representative of a
broad base in civil society and therefore includes no military or security
people and no hangers on of Arafat's court. Third, it argues for liberation and
not a readjustment of the occupation to suit elites and VIPs.
Most important,
the initiative -- which I am happy to endorse enthusiastically-- puts forward
the idea of a national unified authority, elected to serve the people and its
need for liberation, for democratic freedoms, and for public debate and
accountability. These things have been put off for far too long. The old
divisions between Fatah, the Popular Front, Hamas, and all the others, are
meaningless today. We cannot afford such ridiculous posturing. As a people
under occupation we need a leadership whose main goal is to rid us of Israeli
depredations and occupations, and to provide us with an order that can fulfil
our needs for honesty, national scope, transparency and direct speech. Arafat
has a history of double talk. Barghouti, on the other hand -- I use him as an
example here -- takes a principled line, whether he addresses Palestinians,
Israelis, or the foreign media. He has the respect of his people because of his
medical services in the villages, and his honesty and leadership have inspired
everyone who has had contact with him. I also think it is very important that
the Palestinian people should be led now by modern, well- educated people for
whom the values of citizenship are central to their vision. Our rulers today
have never been citizens, they have never stood in line to buy bread, they have
never paid their own medical or school bills, they have never endured the
uncertainty and cruelty of arbitrary arrest, tribal bullying, conspiratorial
power grabs. Barghouti's and Abdel-Shafi's examples, as do those of all the
main figures in the initiative, speak to our need for independence of mind and
responsible, modern citizenship. The old days are over and should be buried as
expeditiously as possible.
I conclude by
saying that real change can only come about when people actively will that
change, make it possible themselves. The Iraqi opposition is making a terrible
mistake by throwing its fate into American hands, and in so doing paying
insufficient attention to the needs of the actual people of Iraq who now suffer
the terrible persecutions of autocracy and are about to be subject to an
equally terrible bombing by the US. In Palestine it should be possible to have
elections now, but not elections to re-install Arafat's ragged crew, but rather
to choose delegates for a constitutional and truly representative assembly. It
is a lamentable reality that during his 10 years of misrule Arafat actively
prevented the creation of a constitution despite all his ridiculous gibberish
about "Palestinian democracy". His legacy is neither a constitution
nor even a basic law, but only a decrepit mafia. Despite that, and despite
Sharon's frantic wish to bring an end to Palestinian national life, our popular
and civil institutions still function under extreme hardship and duress.
Somehow teachers teach, nurses nurse, doctors doctor, and so on. These everyday
activities have never stopped if only because necessity dictates unstinting
effort. Now those institutions and those people who have truly served their
society must bring themselves forward and provide a moral and intellectual
framework for liberation and democracy, by peaceful means and with genuine national
intent. In this effort Palestinians under occupation and those in the shatat or
diaspora have an equal obligation to make the effort. Perhaps this national
initiative may provide a democratic example for other Arabs as well.
Edward Said is University Professor of English and
Comparative Literature at Columbia University, and is a leading Palestinian
intellectual and activist. Among his books are The End of the Peace Process:
Oslo and After (Pantheon, 2000), Peace and Its Discontents: Essays on
Palestine in the Middle East Peace Process (Vintage, 1996), and Out of
Place: A Memoir (Knopf, 1999). This article first appeared in Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt)