Cockburn and the Workers World Party
by Mark Hand
Dissident Voice
I was flipping
through some back issues of a zine I used to publish called Big Forehead
Express, checking out what I had written back in the period from late August
1990 to January 1991, when President George Bush I was preparing for his turkey
shoot with the Iraqis. I wanted to see how I had interpreted the rhetoric of
the U.S. government and its mouthpieces in the establishment press during that
six-month span.
Turning the
pages of the January-February 1991 issue, I stumbled across something I hadn’t
expected. It wasn’t a rant I had authored against the Washington Post or Thomas
Friedman. No, it was a piece I had written lamenting the fact that Alexander
Cockburn had suggested in his Beat the Devil column that antiwar Americans stay
away from a particular demonstration scheduled to gather in D.C. because he
didn’t like the stance the demonstration’s sponsors had taken on Saddam
Hussein. The group behind the organization of that 1991 demonstration was the
Workers World Party.
Here’s how I
gently took Cockburn to task in that issue of Big Forehead Express for what he
had written in his Dec. 31, 1990, column in The Nation: “I, like Alexander
Cockburn, believe that the Iraqi warmongers should be vehemently denounced as I
have done repeatedly in these very pages. But, unlike Alexander Cockburn, I
have no intention of declaring war on any particular sector of the growing
anti-U.S. intervention crowd at the expense of lessening the heat off the
murderers in the White House, State Department, Pentagon and other government
Did Cockburn
deserve to be accused of declaring war on the Workers World Party? I’ll let you
decide for yourself. Here’s how he began that Dec. 31, 1990 column that got me
slightly riled:
“I wish people
would stop writing to remind me that in the 1930s leftists of principle —
Trotsky and Togliatti are two favorites cited by my correspondents — supported
feudal Ethiopia against the invading Italians. The inference is that today
leftists of principle should espouse the cause of Iraq and eschew criticism of
Saddam Hussein. This is MarxismLeninism-Bonkerism of a sort much savored by the
Workers World Party, which seems to be the animating force behind the Coalition
to Stop U.S. Intervention in the Middle East, decorated by Ramsey Clark.”
Nothing too
inflammatory or contradictory in the column’s lede, unless you’re a WWPer and
don’t like the Bonkerism reference. Later in the column, Cockburn said he was
“heartened to learn that not everyone who is generally on the left has to be
tongue-tied when it comes to condemning Saddam for his invasion of Kuwait.”
He quotes
someone from Lebanon who had written him to express his or her dissatisfaction
with the factions of the left who were organizing the antiwar protests at the
time. Cockburn said his correspondent wrote that he or she had “felt alienated
from the various coalitions against U.S. intervention in the Middle East,
particularly because they would not articulate a direct position against
Saddam’s invasion.”
To conclude his
piece, Cockburn offers guidance to Nation readers on what protests to attend in
January to coincide with George Bush I’s deadline for Saddam to exit Kuwait.
Here’s what he suggested people do:
Bonkerists insist that Saddam and Iraq not be criticized, thus instantly
placing themselves in an immoral and tactically impossible situation, as anyone
talking about the crisis on television or radio will understand. The Bonkerists
also see the UN purely as a U.S. cat’s-paw.
“The end result
of this is the denunciation by the Bonkerists of anyone approving of sanctions
or critical of Iraq as a ‘tool of imperialism’ — their imputation when men like
Eqbal Ahmad and Noam Chomsky insist that Iraq’s invasion should be denounced,
just as U.S. war plans should be resisted. The Bonkerists are having their
demonstration in Washington on January 19. People interested in a broad-based
peace drive should go to the one organized by the National Campaign for Peace
in the Middle East on January 26.”
fast-forward to see what Cockburn is saying today about the organizers of
demonstrations of opposition against Bush II’s insane fixation on Saddam.
In a Nov. 26
post on CounterPunch’s website,
Cockburn writes:
“Not so long ago
I decried the effort by Marc Cooper, David Corn, Todd Gitlin and others to
redbait the current antiwar movement, insinuating that all the demonstrators
are dupes of Saddam Hussein, Ramsay Clark and the Workers World Party. Corn
went on the O'Reilly Show to reiterate his allegation of dupedom.
“Someone has to
do the organizing, and thus far it’s been the Workers World Party, which
doesn’t mean that everyone left the recent demos in DC and the Bay Area with
the WWP’s secret plan for revolution burned into their synapses.”
Earlier, in a
Nov. 14 post on CounterPunch’s website, Cockburn had written a few paragraphs
applauding those people who had attended the late-October antiwar
demonstrations in D.C. and across the United States, some of which were
organized by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, a group affiliated with the
Workers World Party.
Cockburn wrote:
“Today? We have
the premonition of a big anti-war movement. Like the SWP 40 years ago, the
Workers World Party did much of the organizing of the recent demonstrations.
This doesn’t mean the 150,000 or so who marched in the Bay Area and in
Washington D.C. are dupes of Karl Marx, Ramsey Clark and Saddam Hussein, as
some have alleged — but merely that organizing big demonstrations takes a lot
of dedication, energy and experience. I have a dream, said Martin Luther King,
and so he did, but the Communists in the south helped him put flesh on that
dream, as they did the dreams of Rosa Parks.”
I see a
contradiction in what Cockburn is saying today about demonstrations organized
by the Workers World Party vs. what he was suggesting 12 years ago. He contends
that the WWP was trying to silence any criticism of Saddam back in 1990-91 and
that the group’s embrace of this policy should have disqualified its
demonstrations from receiving the support of any part of the 70% of Americans,
including reasonable leftists, who were against the war at the time before the
first U.S. bombs started raining down on Saddam’s Republican Guard in Kuwait
and Iraq.
Today, even
though the WWP may not be as anti-Taliban or anti-Al Queda as some Americans
would like, Cockburn is not calling for a boycott of WWP-sponsored
demonstrations. Calling for a boycott would be wrong, because, as he eloquently
argues, every movement needs a catalyst. He recognizes that the Socialist
Workers Party played an important role in the antiwar organizing of the 1960s
and the WWP is doing the same today.
definitely has changed his tune from one Iraq war to the next. There’s nothing
wrong with changing your mind, though. It’s healthy to reassess your opinions
so you don’t get stuck too deep in a rut that you’re unable to recognize
potential contradictions or inconsistencies in your thought.
I’m glad
Cockburn is singing this new tune. In fact, I think it’s a political shift he
made several years ago, perhaps during the first four years of Clinton’s
presidency. Doesn’t it make sense to locate common ground that you may share
with your traditional political foes and then work on building bridges that
could help you find success on certain issues?
In his Nov. 14
CounterPunch article, Cockburn emphasizes how adopting this simple approach to
antiwar organizing could work wonders for the movement: “If the left could ever
reach out to this right, which it’s almost constitutionally incapable of doing,
we’ll have something.”
Mark Hand is the editor of Press Email: