A Recipe for Disaster
by Doreen Miller
Dissident Voice
1. Take a bunch of self-righteous, egomaniacal, power-hungry
individuals wrapped in a layer of morally bankrupt religious fanaticism.
2. Add the world's most extensive arsenal of weapons of
mass destruction.
3. Toss in absolute, unchecked control over the deadliest
of military forces.
4. Pour in some half-baked ideas about dominating and
ruling the world.
5. Stir vigorously until thoroughly mixed up.
6. Keep the mixture at a steady boiling point over a
constant, pseudo- patriotic flame of fear-mongering, and what have you cooked
Bush's latest recipe for disaster, otherwise known as
"The National Security Strategy of the United States."
If you've ever wondered why the United States is a country
that other countries just love to hate, this document lays the reasons out in
full splendor for all to see.
This 30-plus page creation appears to have emanated from
deep within the bowels of the PR spin machines of the White House. In keeping
with the strategies of hard-core propaganda and public relations gimmicks, it
is chock full of all the wonderful, democratic ideals and feel-good concepts
that the United States, in its unquestionable goodness, so honorably champions
as the world's one and only true savior. Who could possibly disagree with such
nebulous and diversely interpreted concepts as "freedom," "liberty,"
"peace," "making the world safe," "justice,"
"human dignity," "international cooperation,"
"prosperity," or "cultural advancement"? Unfortunately,
these noble words are being used to cloak the unacceptable, underlying
aspirations of the current leaders of the United States.
Bush's National Security Strategy espouses a Pax Americana
against which President Kennedy raised dire warnings back in the sixties.
"The U.S. national security strategy will be based on a distinctly
American internationalism that reflects … our national interest."
This document arrogantly outlines the goal of U.S.
imperialism and supremacy, and the use of unsurpassed U.S. military power to
protect U.S. interests throughout the world, extending even into the region of
outer space. "Our forces will be strong enough to dissuade potential
adversaries from pursuing a military build-up in hopes of surpassing, or
equaling, the power of the United States." Reminiscent of the classic high
school winning team chant, "We're number one," these words reflect a
sophomoric attitude the United States is not about to relinquish. Quite
clearly, the United States intends to maintain its position of absolute power
over the rest of the world.
In a move that signifies a shift away from democracy and toward
military dictatorship, the doctrine further asserts, "…the goal must be to
provide the President with a wider range of military options to discourage
aggression or any form of coercion against the United States…" The purpose
of this vague terminology, which suspiciously echoes the wording and intent
within the USA PATRIOT Act, is ultimately to promote and justify the use of the
military against any and all individuals, groups, protesters, organizations,
etc. who the President determines are acting against established U.S. interests
and policies.
In fact, across this nation from Seattle, Washington to
Portland, Maine to Washington, D.C., the level of both police brutality and
unwarranted, unconstitutional arrests of peacefully assembled, non-violent protesters
exercising their first amendment rights seems to be on a precipitous incline.
The Bush manifesto envisions a world dominated by U.S.
interests where all nations are governed by "a single sustainable model
for national success: freedom, democracy, and free enterprise." While Bush
obviously believes the United States to be the perfect model thereof, nothing
could be further from the truth.
While it may be true that U.S. Americans have more freedoms
than much of the world, many of those precious civil rights and freedoms have,
in essence, been made moot by the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act last year.
Moreover, how free is someone who, from birth, is given a social identifying
number and is forced to pay income taxes under the pains and penalties of
having one's assets confiscated and/or of being sent to prison? Are U.S.
citizens not, in a sense, nothing but indentured servants to their government
As for a democratic government "of, by, and for the
people," a close look at how the U.S. government is presently run reveals
a veritable plutocracy (or government ruled by the wealthy) in which faceless
corporations enjoy the same rights as citizens. Only, the former has much
greater buying power and, thus, undue influence on government policies and
How democratic is a government where third party
candidates, who have jumped all the hurdles, collected all the necessary
signatures and legitimately made it onto election ballots, are time and again
summarily excluded from televised election debates? It seems those in positions
of power in the United States give mere lip service to the idea of democracy
while quietly advocating a more "selective" version thereof where
only the views and opinions of corporate-sponsored wealthy Democrats and
wealthier Republicans are valid.
The third principle of "free enterprise," which
Bush even goes so far as to equate with "a moral principle," is based
upon nothing but purely mythological economic theory. The "free
trade" and open borders that Bush and his CEO associates are pushing
globally do not even exist in the United States. We boast some of the most
highly subsidized businesses in the world. The amount of tax dollars that is
doled out in corporate welfare (through subsidies, research grants, protective
tariffs, tax breaks, etc.) to U.S. corporations is staggering.
In contrast, the version of "free trade" being
forced on Third World countries by the IMF and World Bank prohibits all forms
of protective tariffs, government subsidies and the like, along with demanding
mandatory privatization of any and all government services and industries, even
profitable ones. The consequences have been devastating in places like Jamaica,
Haiti, Argentina, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Brazil, Colombia, and countless
other nations around the globe.
Free and equal trade among countries with vastly unequal
economies is impossible. Weaker economies are inevitably swallowed up by
stronger ones, and the workers of these poor nations turned into slaves to the
benefit of richer nations who do not play by the same rules. Bush promises to
enforce the laws of free trade "in all regions of the world" to
"ensure that the benefits of free trade do not come at the expense of
American workers." Bingo. May the rest of the world take heed: the
ultimate purpose of "free trade" is to benefit Americans.
Take NAFTA, which gives unprecedented power to corporations
to successfully sue and overturn laws created by democratically elected
governments if these laws interfere with a company's inalienable right to make
a profit. Such unfettered corporate power over governments can only lead to one
logical conclusion: free trade and democracy are diametrically opposed and
cannot co-exist.
In a display of classic doublespeak, the Bush platform
defines "a program to establish, finance and monitor a truly independent
judiciary" in a future, reformed Palestinian government. Pray tell, how
can a judiciary be "truly independent" if it is (1) beholden to the
interests of outsiders who foot the bill and (2) being monitored?
A shining example full of contradictory statements, Bush's
strategy, on the one hand, applauds the idea of building international
cooperation, partnerships, coalitions, and alliances. "Coordination with
European allies and international institutions is essential for constructive
conflict mediation and successful peace operations. … We will respect the
values, judgment, and interests of our friends and partners."
On the other hand, the United States reserves the right to
pre-emptive, anticipatory strikes if it feels its interests are threatened, and
it "will not hesitate to act alone. … We will take the actions necessary
to ensure … Americans are not impaired by the potential for investigations,
inquiry, or prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC), whose
jurisdiction does not extend to Americans and which we do not accept.
There you have it - a prime example of speaking out of
both sides of one's mouth. The United States exalts the idea of international
cooperation and respect, yet vows to act unilaterally and simultaneously deems
itself irreproachable, above and beyond the ICC and judgment of its
international partners.
Then there is the idea of the U.S. establishing "new
partnerships with former adversaries." This reflects one very troubling,
flawed, schizoid foreign policy where we suddenly make allies of former enemies
and mortal enemies of former allies. Both Saddam and Osama were once our trusted
and supported friends, as long as they were serving U.S. interests, that is.
Killing and murder are good only when they benefit the designs of the United
Interestingly enough, in this document, rogue states are
defined as "[sharing] a number of attributes," namely, they
"squander their national resources for the personal gain of the rulers;
display no regard for international law, threaten their neighbors, and
callously violate international treaties to which they are party; are determined
to acquire weapons of mass destruction, along with other advanced military
technology, to be used as threats or offensively to achieve the aggressive
designs of these regimes; sponsor terrorism around the globe; reject basic
human values..." Given the blood-soaked history of the United States,
which includes the equally brutal, covert operations undertaken by the CIA,
this definition could very easily apply to the U.S., making it the largest
rogue nation in the world.
There are enough absurdities, double-standards, deceitful
half-truths and outright lies contained in this National Security Strategy to
fill a book. I invite you to read it and judge for yourself at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss.html
See if you don't agree with Senator Kennedy's evaluation thereof,
"It is impossible to justify any such double standard under international
law. Might does not make right. America cannot write its own rules for the
modern world. To attempt to do so would be unilateralism run amok. … The
Administration's doctrine is a call for 21st century American imperialism that
no other nation can or should accept."
Doreen Miller,
mother, musician and poet, is currently a Senior Lecturer and educator of
international students. She dedicates part of her time to serving the elderly
and Alzheimer patients. This article first appeared at Yellow Times.org. She
encourages your comments: dmiller@YellowTimes.org