The empire of the Romans filled the world,
and when that empire fell into the hands of a single person, the world
became a safe and dreary prison for his enemies. The slave of Imperial
despotism . . . expected his fate in silent despair. To resist was fatal,
and it was impossible to fly. On every side he was encompassed with a vast
extent of sea and land, which he could never hope to traverse without being
discovered, seized, and restored to his irritated master. Beyond the
frontiers, his anxious view could discover nothing, except the ocean,
inhospitable deserts, hostile tribes of barbarians of fierce manners and
unknown language. . . "Wherever you are," said Cicero to the exiled
Marcellus, "remember that you are equally within the power of the
~~ Edward Gibbon, historian
dad always responded to anything that was patently obvious with, “Well,
yea-ah. Anybody with half sense and one eye knows that,” which was his way
of saying don't go with the flow, but look at facts and come to your own
conclusions. He also said, “If you're determined to show your ass, make sure
it's a clean ‘un,” or -- get those facts straight before you jump out there
and start concluding...
I've looked at heaps and piles of facts about what the deranged leaders of
this nation are willing to do to the men and women who wear the US military
uniform, and I've come to two conclusions. This country's most expendable
commodity is its children and, with few exceptions, Americans appear to be
both senseless and blind.
Give Us Your Young, Your Poor...
Of course there's going to be a draft, if for no other reason than George
Bush has steadfastly promised there wouldn't be one.
They're coming after our children -- sweeping them all up -- bullying them
at schools, stalking them, offering them big bucks to join the military. And
there's no one to stop them. Servile Americans, even those who can still
see, feel helpless. When faced with the decision to stand up and speak up,
or give up their children, they are bombarded from all sides with strident
demands for patriotism so, like their counterparts in the Roman Empire,
Americans await their fate -- their children's fate -- in silent despair.
There is nowhere to hide -- no one to turn to. The mainstream media has
dropped all pretense of objectivity and has become a worthless tool of the
state. The media's once envied “public service” to the people has become
little more than applauding each new atrocity of this warmongering
administration in the hopes of earning a share of the spoils. Vigilant no
longer, the watchdog media has become, in the words of Czech novelist Milan
Kundera, “a parade of people marching by with raised fists . . . shouting
identical syllables in unison.”
We can forget the Congress suddenly realizing it has a Constitutional
mandate for oversight and restraint. Ain't gonna happen. The elected members
of both parties are far too busy struggling under the weight of their own
corruption to worry about the relentless dismantling of the republic or the
worldwide chaos their lack of attention is causing. There's no indication
that the injury, maiming or death of thousands of US servicemembers, or as
Henry Kissinger describes them, “dumb, stupid animals” will appear on their
radar as long as the media can prevent it from appearing on ours. They're
not only cold, they're evil. Rotten to the core. Rotten from the core -- on
On February 8, President George Bush proudly bragged to Tim Russert on
Meet the Press, “I'm a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval
Office in foreign policy matters with war on my mind.”
Do you hear that, moms and dads? If your president's juvenile, paranoid
announcement doesn't cross your minds whenever you're loading up your sons
and daughters and sending them off to Iraq -- perhaps it will as you unload
their flag-draped coffins at your cemeteries when they return home...
Many foolishly believed Bush's signature legislation, the No Child Left
Behind Act, meant that all children in this country -- all children -- would
have equal opportunity for education. However, it didn't take long for those
paying attention to realize that, as with anything Bush tells us, the
opposite is true. The No Child Left Behind Act is little more than an
increasingly harsh and punitive testing apparatus, the funding of which has
been pushed off on states in a Catch-22 requirement -- either fund the
program and meet the testing standards or face sanctions and, ultimately,
Other than under-funding it, putting sanctions on schools, and wreaking
havoc throughout the public school system, Bush has mostly ignored the Act's
provisions -- with one exception. Buried deep within its 670 pages is a
requirement that secondary school officials must
provide contact information for every student as well as allow military
recruiters unlimited access to their facilities, or lose federal aid. From
the various sites these uniformed child abusers are setting up shop,
primarily in minority neighborhoods and lower socio-economic areas, it's
obvious whose children are being targeted. If Bush succeeds, none of them
will be left behind.
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To War We Go...
The empire is in the hands of a single madman who demands that we show our
loyalty and patriotism by trading our humanity, our freedom, our dignity
and, sadly, our children, for the mere illusion of safety in a world that is
crumbling around us.
There are times when war, if not inevitable, is unavoidable although, to my
mind, rarely justifiable. We needed a Pearl Harbor to drop kick a
foot-dragging nation through the goal posts of World War II, just as we
needed a draft to mobilize the necessary manpower. We had an enemy. That
enemy had a name and a face. Once he was defeated, the war was over. Of the
16.1 million Americans who served in WWII, 406,000 were killed and 671,000
wounded. The remaining troops returned to cheers, parades and dancing in the
Korea and Vietnam taught us that war is not a John Wayne movie, an Uncle Sam
poster, or a “Johnny Comes Marching Home” ditty after all. We learned, too
late, that Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon
were actually pretty pre-emptive kinds of guys -- not “shock and awe”
shysters, but men who were willing to expand, little by little, an initial
deployment of 900 military “advisors”, escalating the destruction over 15
years by sending more and more until our bewildered children were standing
knee-deep in an oozing quagmire with no clear idea of who the enemy was. It
had neither name nor face; therefore, they were forced to shoot anything
that moved.
Of the 2.1 million American servicemen and women who struggled through the
Vietnam mess, 58,156 were killed, 303,329 were wounded in action, and 75,000
were severely disabled. These figures do not include the tens of thousands
who suffer from the effects of Agent Orange and who continue to battle for
benefits and proper care from a Veteran's Administration in full denial
about repercussions from “gassing” our own people. Unlike heroes from WWII,
those who returned were met with jeers and catcalls; many were abandoned in
the streets. The number of veterans who have committed suicide since the
Vietnam War is greater than the number who were killed in that war.
Vietnam was a soul-numbing fiasco -- an undeclared war that resulted in a
litany of human rights abuses and atrocities too numerous to cite. It gave
succeeding administrations an unabated taste for blood and power as well as
a cold, pugnacious disregard for “collateral” damage. Might is right. George
Bush has the power. He has tasted the blood. He likes it, and he wants more.
He wants it all the time. If 9-11 had not happened, Bush's addiction would
have forced him to create it.
As CNN correspondents like to say proudly, “this president” is having the
time of his life. Given the grisly silence of the citizenry, of the judicial
branch, the legislative branch and the mainstream media, Bush is under no
pressure to justify the senseless maiming and killing spree upon which he is
embarked, even if he could remember the reason -- or coherently describe the
enemy who has no face. Shortly after the devastating assault upon Iraq in
2003, a
self-satisfied Bush crowed, “We're on their trail. We're smokin' em out.
We got em on the run. We're huntin' em down one-by-one. We're on a scavenger
hunt for terror...”
A scavenger hunt for terror? This is why thousands of young Americans
must give up their lives before they've had a chance to live them? Hundreds
of thousands of innocents must die -- nations must be destroyed -- for no
other reason than George Bush is off on a scavenger hunt?
Well, yea-ah.
A Toxic Mess
Thanks to the morally bereft Bush father-son duo, as well as the morally
challenged Bill Clinton, we are rapidly becoming an endangered species. The
culprit is Depleted Uranium (DU), the neat little nuclear weapon of choice
these three presidents unleashed upon Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq,
turning them into toxic wastelands and condemning anyone on their soil to a
slow, agonizing death from radiation.
America -- do you know where your children are tonight?

Graphic by
Chris Cheer in New Zealand
There is no excuse for not knowing the consequences of DU. Scores of reports
have been written based on studies and investigations conducted since 1991.
Physicians, physicists, scientists, researchers, and even some media --
mostly foreign -- continue to sound the alarm. We are witnesses to the most
egregious war crimes in the history of the world, orchestrated by three mass
murderers, yet we continue to play a deadly game of “Kings-X” with the
Pentagon and the media, primarily cable outlets CNN and Fox News. Until this
axis of corruption admits that DU is a death sentence to all who come in
contact with it -- a crime against both God and man -- apparently we are not
“allowed” to speak out. Wouldn't be prudent.
The term, “Depleted Uranium,” sounds innocuous, even weak. Actually, DU is
radioactive waste left over from manufacturing nuclear fuel and bombs. It is
anything but “weak”. DU is 1.7 times heavier than lead and boasts a
half-life of 4-1/2 billion years. It never goes away. The US has more than
10 million tons of DU -- an abundant nuclear waste product which is given
free to weapons manufacturers who make a tidy profit on their genocidal
bullets and bombs.
In a March 9
report, Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former Chief of the Naval Staff, India,
writes, “DU burns intensely and is very hard. It releases Uranium Oxide. The
aerosol contains particles of 0.5-5 microns in size, once they are in the
air or dust they are inhaled or ingested, including from contaminated soil.
Once in the lungs one such particle is equivalent to having one X-Ray per
hour, for life. (emphasis added) Because it is impossible to remove, the
victim is gradually irradiated. Still births, birth defects, leukemia,
damaged central nervous systems and other cancers have been common in
children born since 1991.”
Getting the attention of the American people is, for the most part, a futile
exercise -- like screaming into the wind. One wonders how many
birth defects, such as babies born with no internal organs, fused
organs, no brains, no eyes in empty sockets, will it take before Americans
join their international counterparts and cry “Enough!” When will we realize
we are the terrorists, and our *weapon of mass destruction is
Depleted Uranium?
No one has screamed louder or longer than Dr. Doug Rokke, former Major and
health physicist for the US Army. Rokke, the Army's nuclear expert, was sent
to Iraq after Gulf War I to salvage tanks contaminated by DU. He admits he
went into the project “with the total intent to ensure they could use
uranium munitions in war,” but says what he and his team of 100 found there
cost one-third of them their lives, cost Rokke his job because he refused to
remain silent about his discovery, and continues to wreak havoc with the
team's health, the health of millions of civilians in the Gulf, and the
health of hundreds of thousands of Gulf War I, and now Gulf War II,
”We can't do it,” Rokke says fervently. “We can't keep sending our citizens
into that toxic mess. It's a crime against God. It's a crime against
humanity to use uranium munitions in a war, and it's devastating to ignore
the consequences...”
Rokke's conclusion is that DU must be banned from the planet, for eternity,
and medical care be provided for everyone, not just the US or the Canadians
or the British or the Germans or the French but for citizens from
Afghanistan and Iraq to Kosovo and Okinawa to Maryland and Indiana, and
other US states where DU munitions are tested.
For Americans to remain silent as Bush hands down death sentences for their
children and their unborn grandchildren is a war crime in itself. Arthur
Bernklau, executive director of Veterans for Constitutional Law in New York
cites a
study done by eminent scientist Leuren Moret, which names DU as the
definitive cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Bernklau says of the 580,400 US Gulf
War I soldiers, 11,000 are now dead. By the year 2000, when Bush and his
draft-dodging warmongers were already planning Gulf War II, there were
325,000 military personnel on permanent medical disability. Currently, more
than half of those who served in Gulf War I have permanent medical problems.
This scandal is threatening to erupt, even as US officials continue to deny
there are any long-lasting effects from DU radiation. Bernklau believes the
Moret study may be the reason behind Veterans Administration Secretary
Anthony Principi's recent and sudden departure. Bernklau says Principi was
“aware that DU was causing illness and death as far back as 2000. He and the
Bush administration has (sic) been hiding these facts, but now, thanks to
Moret's report, is far too big to hide or to cover up.”
Moret works tirelessly on the issue of depleted uranium and its effects upon
the planet and its inhabitants, especially children. She wrote the Forward
to Discounted Casualties: The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium, by
Hiroshima journalist Akira Tashiro. The book can be
read online, and should be required reading for all Americans,
especially those who still possess half sense and one eye.
Moret says the use of DU by the United States defies all international
treaties, and will slowly annihilate all species on earth, including the
human species. She describes DU as “the Trojan Horse” of nuclear war – “the
weapon that keeps on killing for billions of years.” There's no way to turn
DU off. There's no way to clean it up.
Because we are Americans, it is not acceptable that our bloodthirsty leaders
be allowed to continue to rain DU down upon the world with full knowledge of
its destructive potential. We cannot allow Bush to continue to kill our
children -- our unborn children -- as he whips up new candidates for death
in his rollicking “scavenger hunt for terror.”
It's time we stopped it.
Sheila Samples
is an Oklahoma freelance writer and a former civilian US Army Public
Information Officer. She is a regular contributor for a variety of Internet
sites. Contact her at:
rsamples@sirinet.net. ©
2005 Sheila Samples
Other Articles by Sheila
A Pornographic
Celebration of Death
* Super Duper
George Bush
* Three Women
-- The Roads They Travel
* Butt Prints
in the Sand
* A Kick in
the Pants
* Oh Lord,
Ain't it Hard...
* The Last Man
to Concede
* Bring Them
Home . . . Sooner Rather Than Later
* Best Way
to "Support the Troops" is to Bring Them Home
* “Mr.
President” de la Mancha
Stinky and the Vulcans
* Haunted
* The Last
* Pre-emptive
Pie-Hole Policy Not an Option
* Freedom to
Fascism -- A Bumpy Ride
* When the
Fiends Cry "Kill"
* Like Dogs
in the Night
* Blame the
Terrorists Behind That Tree!
* Open Letter
to CNN
* I Know
You Are But What Am I?
It's the Questions Stupid!
* Truth and
Freedom, Slip-Sliding Away
* Playing
the CYA Game
* My
Master's House
* If Royko
Were Here . . . On Going Nowhere With the 9/11 Commission
* It Takes a