The Myth of the Reactionary Working Class

The working class is back–or at least the words “working class” are.

For decades, an army of pundits and academics argued that the majority of people in the United States comprised an expanding, satiated and upwardly mobile middle class–and that the very idea of a working class belonged to an industrial past long ago. The word “working class” went down the memory hole, and couldn’t be brought out–even in roundabout ways–without invoking the specter of “class war” in mainstream politics.

As University of Illinois-Chicago Professor Leon Fink wrote in the Chicago Tribune:

When Al Gore unveiled a modest appeal to “working families” at the 2000 Democratic National Convention… [h]is Republican opponent, George W. Bush, immediately counterattacked, accusing Gore of unleashing “class war” on the country. The preferred term of address had long been “middle class”; even the AFL-CIO avoided the shoals of class rhetoric to try to co-opt the conservative family-values agenda.

Yet, today, virtually every commentator, from William Kristol to Paul Krugman, unblinkingly invokes the once-dreaded terminology in suggesting that Sen. Barack Obama cannot, as the director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute put it, “penetrate working-class voters.”

If “working class” has become common parlance again, it may be because there is a crisis facing the working-class majority in the U.S.–those who work for wages. Hourly wages, adjusted for inflation, have fallen over the past three decades, while the size of the gross domestic product (GDP) almost tripled–a growth of riches that has accrued almost solely to big business.

But if the “working class”–and its much debated “bitterness” and grievances–is at the forefront of the 2008 presidential election, this “rediscovery” has brought along with it the reprise of longstanding myths–that the working class is, generally speaking, flag-waving, conservative, church-obsessed, tradition-oriented and mostly white.

As Fink continued in his article:

Today, “working class” has been effectively defanged of any radical, let alone subversive, intent. In fact, today’s working class looks less the modernist, rationalizing force that Marx projected than a bastion of tradition–that unmoving “sack of potatoes” he identified with the peasantry.

Whether explicit or not, today’s invocation of the working class is preceded by the word “white.” And the resulting construct–white men and women who have not gone to college–are regularly presented as a mostly conservative bloc… [T]he working class that Obama can’t reach looks to be populated by Archie Bunker and his like-minded descendants.

This is a stereotype, of course, and one with a long history. Fink invokes a distorted view of the working class–“Archie Bunker and his like-minded descendants”–that was an invention of the ruling class and mass media when it arose in the 1960s as part of an ideological counter to the growing influence of the 1960s social movements.

As International Socialist Review contributor Joe Allen has written, “In the late 1960s, the U.S. media and political establishment ‘rediscovered’ the working class, though not the real working class–which was white, Black, Latino and increasingly made up of women… The working class that they claim to have discovered was really a middle-class stereotype that portrayed the working class as white men who were in rebellion against the civil rights and antiwar movements and liberalism in general.”

Images of workers in hard hats attacking activists were broadcast to in an attempt to show that “hard-working” Americans rejected “ungrateful” and “privileged” antiwar students. But surveys in the late 1960s and early 1970s showed that manual workers opposed the Vietnam War in similar numbers to the youths who made up the student antiwar movement and the GI resistance.

In the working-class city of Dearborn, Mich., for example, a 1968 referendum calling for immediate withdrawal passed with 57 percent of the vote. By 1971, union households along with minority households (which overlapped greatly) were among the most consistent opponents of the war in national polls.

Although racism continued to pervade every aspect of U.S. life–as was famously demonstrated when a white mob attacked Martin Luther King Jr. when he attempted to take the civil rights struggle north to Chicago–working-class and poor whites generally tended to be more sympathetic to Black workers than the “more well to do.” One 1966 study showed that “the higher one’s class or origin of class or class destination, the more likely that one prefers to exclude Negroes from one’s neighborhood.”

As a result of the continual impact of the Black liberation struggle on consciousness, by 1970, a majority of white Americans favored affirmative action, including quotas, to redress the impact of current and past racist injustices.

This isn’t to say that racism didn’t influence white workers. It did, as evidenced by some working-class support–including in the north–for George Wallace’s 1968 “state’s rights” presidential campaign, and in the busing struggles that continued throughout the 1970s.

However, the working class was not, as many depict it today, a homogenous bastion of racism and reaction.

Today, the working-class that the mainstream media have “rediscovered” may include women, but it is still viewed as white and presented as holding generally conservative views.

As in the 1960s, this picture has little connection to reality. Most polls show that the U.S. population as a whole–and the working class in particular–has become more progressive on most social and economic issues.

Nowhere is this clearer than on the question of racism. In 1954, only 4 percent of those surveyed responded that they approved of marriage between “white and colored people.” In 2007, 79 percent told a Gallup poll that they approved of interracial marriages.

In fact, unlike much of the media establishment, most people think racism is a problem in the here and now, not a thing of the past. A majority in a CNN/Essence magazine poll–including whites–said they believed racism to be a “serious problem.” Eighty-five percent of Americans said they are “completely comfortable” voting for a Black presidential candidate.

To be clear, there are still large numbers of people who have racist ideas–who aren’t “comfortable” voting for a Black candidate, who disapprove of interracial marriage and who don’t think racism is a problem. And there are also contradictions in people’s thinking about the pervasiveness and effects of racism. For example, the CNN/Essence poll found that a majority of both whites and Blacks said they didn’t think racial discrimination was the reason why Blacks tend to have lower incomes and worse housing.

However, it can be said, in contrast to the media stereotype, that the working class–which, for the record, includes tens of millions of Blacks and Latinos, as well as whites, and tens of millions of people who did go to college–tends toward more progressive ideas on a whole series of political questions than the rich and the middle class.

Current polls show, for example, that 51 percent of Americans–the highest number since the 1930s Great Depression–support the longstanding socialist demand of taxing the rich specifically to redistribute wealth. A 2006 poll showed that 59 percent of people support trade unions–with support jumping to 68 percent among those who earn less than $30,000 a year.

But this isn’t merely a question of economic issues.

A majority of citizens and permanent residents responded in a 2006 survey that they believed immigration to be “a good thing.” Nearly 90 percent of Americans said they thought gays and lesbians should have equal rights at work. Support for gay marriage has grown by 19 percent since 1996, and opposition has declined by 15 percent. Even on abortion–one of the few areas where the right wing has gained ground ideologically–a majority of people still holds a favorable view of Roe v. Wade itself.

Also, in contrast to the picture of a fundamentalist hinterland existing between the coasts, polls also show that Americans are becoming less religious, that the religious are less consistent in attending church, and even that the younger generation of fundamentalist Christians are somewhat more left wing on some social justice issues.

So why does the mythology of the reactionary working class persist? There are two inter-related reasons.

For one, this idea is useful in helping to divide and conquer workers on religious, racial, gender, national and sexual orientation lines–by presenting such divisions as unchanging and insurmountable. Secondly, the political weaknesses of the left and the labor movement in the U.S. mean that the logic of class struggle and solidarity has no echo in mainstream politics.

Take the example of the so-called “Reagan Democrats.” The term has been resurrected in relationship to the 2008 election, but it was originally coined by the media to identify working-class voters who switched from their traditional loyalty to the Democrats to vote for the Republicans in the 1980s.

The backdrop to this was the late 1960s and early 1970s wave of militant strikes in transit, auto, textiles, the mines, the postal service and other industries. A number of these walkouts were wildcat strikes without official union sanction–and led by both Black and white radicals.

These struggles pointed to the potential for a reinvigorated and multiracial labor movement growing out of the social movements of the 1960s.

However, by the late 1970s, the ruling class had turned toward neoliberalism and began a counter-attack against labor and the left. It pushed for concessionary contracts with unions, two-tier wage scales, privatization, deregulation and slashing benefits.

This employers’ offensive began under Democrat Jimmy Carter and was pushed further under Reagan. Instead of opposing this attack on workers, the party that supposedly represented working people–the Democrats–pushed through the first cuts. By 1984, a layer of loyal Democrats ended up voting for Reagan–the so-called “Reagan Democrats.”

The Republicans pulled this off by appealing on a host of conservative “wedge issues”–stoking racism, calling for wars on crime and drugs, attacking women’s rights. But the other element involved in this political shift was the failure of the Democrats to offer any challenge to the shift to the right. On the contrary, the Democrats concluded that they needed to follow the Republicans to the right to recapture the “swing voters.”

Even after the Reagan Revolution began to peter out by the start of the 1990s, the Democrats remained in this conservative mode–symbolized, for example, by the “triangulating” of the Clinton presidency. Thus, for the past 15 years–with the exception of the period after the September 11, 2001 attacks–the U.S. working class has tended to be more progressive and left wing than the official, two-party political system.

This shows why it is wrong to assume that the situation described by author Thomas Frank in his book What’s the Matter with Kansas?–that some workers vote against their economic interests for the Republicans because they have been won away from the Democrats on social issues–is permanent.

Instead, there is a problem of organizing the sentiment of large sections of workers around both economic and social issues into a political force that can have an impact.

As the 2008 elections have progressed, we’ve seen “class” take center stage, with Hillary Clinton–of all people–positioning herself, in the words of the New York Times, as a “working-class hero,” ready to fight around all manner of “injustices,” from high oil prices to mortgage foreclosures.

How is it possible that Clinton–a senator and former first lady who, with her husband, is worth more than $100 million–has been able to present herself as the working class’ favorite daughter?

One reason is the gullible media that repeated her campaign’s spin. Another is racism. The media brouhaha around Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright–pushed by both John McCain and Hillary Clinton’s campaign–undermined Obama’s “post-racial” campaign strategy (though it should be pointed out that millions of working-class white people have voted for Obama).

But it also must be said that Clinton and the media were able to paint Obama as “elitist” because he let them do it.

If he wanted, Obama could rally workers–Black, white and Latino–around a campaign that spoke to their concerns, with strong proposals to help working-class people deal with the consequences of being hammered by recession.

But Obama doesn’t want to campaign on this basis. He wants to assure Wall Street and Corporate America, which have shifted sharply away from the Republicans to supporting the Democrats, that he is not a real threat. And so Obama tilts to the right–in a very similar manner to Bill Clinton’s triangulation–to try to win over “swing voters.”

The kernel of solidarity exists in every workplace and in every working-class community around the country. Organizing this kernel into movements to challenge racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia and corporate rule can force “official” politics left and extract real concessions.

At the end of the day, it is a truly reactionary ruling class that spreads the myth of the reactionary working class.

26 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. evie said on May 23rd, 2008 at 6:39am #

    I don’t believe there’s anything “reactionary” at all about the ruling class. The engineer their sociopolitical plans a couple of generations ahead and have contingencies to counter the “myth” of “working class” reactions.

    One thing they can usually count on is the average American does not want to admit to the rung of the social ladder he’s standing on – especially the lower rungs. Snob appeal.

    Joe Blow, regardless which tenement or trailer he lives in or how raunchy his personal life, he prefers to identify himself with whatever political party has the image of wealth and morality – which has been the Republican party for several decades.

    The left/liberal/progressive image has become associated with poverty, minorities, anything goes morality, gimme gimme guvmints, – in short – the social losers. That’s the feel I get here in my community anyway.

    I don’t see those working class “kernels” ready to unite and “challenge racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia.”

    It’s just possible, that after 40 years folks feel some of the ’60s ideals/movements, e.g. the “right” to free love and cohabitation, has led to anything but improvement for working class mothers. Or it could be that anti-“nationalism” has led to outsourcing and job losses and more tired and poor to support from other countries who don’t even need to learn English.

    It could be, from what I hear with ear on the ground locally, that the “progressive movement” doesn’t move today b/c in hindsight and the long-run, it has been as damaging to the average American as anything from the rightwing.

    Could be the left/progressives demand conformity to too much in order to be a club member – i.e. must be anti-nationalism, anti-war, sexually all inclusive, anti-capital punishment, believe in global warming, believe the Boy Scouts are bigots, must welcome millions of the poor and unskilled to our shores, must believe in socialized medicine, must believe in giving subsistence support to hoochie mamas, must believe most men and women in prison are there b/c they had no choices, must believe guys like Chomsky are wise and have the answers, must believe a one-world without borders is within grasp if we just organize, must support the UN and ACLU and dozens of other political fronts, etc. etc. and if one disagrees – well, they’re bigots, racists, or phobic.

    The “conservatives/republicans” use KISS, keep their image simple – guns, god, country – they know Joe has attention deficit and a short attention span.

  2. Faddy said on May 23rd, 2008 at 12:39pm #

    Doncha know, this ole boy (Turl) finally hit the nail on the thumb. The so-called Reagan Revolution was really about redefining the way many people thought of themselves. Suddenly the bottom rung was not the poor, not the worker, but the ‘middle class.’ And the manipulators of the concept, whether political (Bill Clinton being a prime example, with his wife in there as well) or corporate, those who manipulate our minds (media and advertising being two faces of the same idea) realized that the problem of class warfare could simply be co-opted. If you were now middle class you no longer were below … you too had a vested interest in continuity of the status quo. Once we were middle class, then we too could aspire to upper class, and thus become the next Bill Gates.

    Miss evie, I assume she is a she, has a point.

    I hope she has more hair than I so the point is well disguised. We wouldn’t want the corporatocracy to know that we know what the bastards have been up to. Of course, it may be that dear evie is one of the folks who excuse the way things are as being better than they could be.

    What say ye?

  3. hp said on May 23rd, 2008 at 12:52pm #

    “Of course, it may be that dear evie is one of the folks who excuse the way things are as being better than they could be.”

    That’s a very direct and realistic point you make, Faddy.
    I reckon we’re fittin to find out real soon.

  4. Lloyd Rowsey said on May 23rd, 2008 at 1:01pm #

    Hey Evie. If you could stand to un-serious yourself for a while, I bet you’d love Paul Fussell’s absolutely hilarious, “Class – A Guide Through the American Status System” (Touchstone, 1983).

  5. evie said on May 23rd, 2008 at 1:29pm #

    Things can always be better. I have lots of hair on my head. Demented grandpa Reagan, what a role he played.

    hp – the “f” word is never allowed in our house – no fittin, fixin’ or finnin’ to.

    I’ll look for that title Lloyd, seriously.

  6. evie said on May 23rd, 2008 at 1:32pm #

    Have you red “The Redneck Manifesto, America’s Scapegoats” – how “white trash” feel “liberals” have made them the scapegoats.

  7. synicab12 said on May 23rd, 2008 at 3:30pm #

    I do not know what kind of studies Mr. Turl has read. IMHO I think currently race surpasses class as dominant driving force behind the white working class attitudes and behaviour.
    Prejudice and bigotry are much more common among the lower rungs of the white population than the upper rung.
    The big problem now is that leftists/liberals/progressives has alienate the working class by instead of talking about working class issues from living wages, universal health care , good schools , secure pensions and progressive fair taxation the right to unions all what they talk about is
    gender issues and sex issues and support for unwed single mothers. Yes, these are issues worth consideration but they are not unitng iss

  8. synicab12 said on May 23rd, 2008 at 3:40pm #

    issues for the working class.

    To evie,
    Actuall the privliged rich class and the Republicans who want to open the border for the mass iflux of immigrants. That will guarantee an endless supply of cheap and intimidated labour for businesses.

  9. synicab12 said on May 23rd, 2008 at 3:50pm #

    I do not know what kind of studies Mr. Turl has read. IMHO I think currently race surpasses class as dominant driving force behind the white working class attitudes and behaviour.
    Prejudice and bigotry are much more common among the lower rungs of the white population than the upper rung.
    The big problem now is that leftists/liberals/progressives has alienated the working class by instead of talking about working class issues from living wages, universal health care , good schools , secure pensions and progressive fair taxation the right to form unions, all what they are talking about is gender issues and sex issues and support for unwed single mothers. Yes, these are issues that must be addressed but they are not resonating issues with the working class.

    To evie,
    Actually the privliged rich class and the Republicans who want to open the border for mass iflux of immigrants. That will guarantee an endless supply of cheap and intimidated labour for businesses.

  10. Lloyd Rowsey said on May 23rd, 2008 at 4:09pm #

    You’ve made me laugh right out loud, Evie. But then I went to the cemetery mid-morning, PST.

    I’d say it’s about a stand-off btw trailer trash (stereotyped as all white) and liberals, made-into-scapegoats-wise. Or do I confuse liberals with “the left?”

    No, I haven’t read Redneck Manifesto. I’m DV-challenged, for proper knives and fork’s sake!

  11. Brian Koontz said on May 24th, 2008 at 5:36am #

    In reply to evie:

    “One thing they can usually count on is the average American does not want to admit to the rung of the social ladder he’s standing on – especially the lower rungs. Snob appeal.”

    That’s not true. It’s only elite propaganda that “informs” the American populace of their greatness – the average American is quite aware that those “high on the social ladder” are largely criminals and/or complicit with a criminal system.

    The truth about the “social ladder” is closer to the inverse of what the elite say it is.

    Those “low on the social ladder” for the most part want to be there. What they don’t want, however, is poverty and the many repercussions of such.

    That is to say, they want education, empowered work, socialist wealth, and a moral society to surround them.

    In the present society, they want to exist “low on the social ladder” since that is the farthest distance from the criminals who define the ladder.

    Snob appeal appeals only to snobs.

  12. evie said on May 24th, 2008 at 6:01am #

    “Actually the privliged rich class and the Republicans who want to open the border for mass iflux of immigrants. That will guarantee an endless supply of cheap and intimidated labour for businesses.”

    Yes, ruling class, dem/rep.

    Another reason I believe this influx has happened is it dilutes the cohesion of the masses and has been another method to strip established working class Americans of power. Millions of new arrivals and first generation, are in no position, nor do they feel a need, to make political change – other than perhaps amnesty for themselves, friends, family.

    Down the road from me are 5 Guatemalan men who live together. They stop for a beer with me sometimes and I can practice my Spanish. Having lived in Guatemala I know where they’re coming from. They all have families back home they miss a lot, they are all in their 30s. They could care less about what’s going on politically in the US, the wars, etc. and would like to see an open border. Two of them have a baby by white girls – they seem to have a thing for white women. They party a lot every weekend but stop the music at a decent hour. I hold no ill-will for them.

    I don’t think my 5 friends are exceptions but are typical of millions of immigrants. It occurred to me that what may seem politically oppressive/repressive to Joe Blow still feels like freedom to Jose – considering his reference point.

    So, when the “left” or liberals or whatever they’re called, chant there are no illegal humans and demand sympathy and support for millions of immigrants, I gotta wonder if Joe Do-gooder realizes he’s helping to put one more nail in his own coffin. The “left”/liberals like to point to BushCo as a tinpot dictator and compare his reign to a banana republic – but they go right along in bananacizing the social fabric under the guise of feel-good big-heartedness.

    If the corrupt governments south of the border would get out of bed with the US and work for their own citizens – most immigrants would not leave home.

    Of course, what I’ve said may not be politically correct, so Bob Kneejerk can say I’m a bigot, racist, mean, etc., in an attempt to whip me back into the herd.

  13. evie said on May 24th, 2008 at 6:15am #

    You must be higher on the ladder to be that out of touch with the masses.

  14. synicab12 said on May 24th, 2008 at 8:04am #

    To Evie,

    You said “So, when the “left” or liberals or whatever they’re called, chant there are no illegal humans and demand sympathy and support for millions of immigrants, I gotta wonder if Joe Do-gooder realizes he’s helping to put one more nail in his own coffin. ”
    I agree with you 100%. That was my opinion too.
    You are right too pointing out that the influx of illegal immigrants will weaken the working class and rediret their energy from struggling for their rights to struggling with illegal immigrants for jobs and resources.
    Now I am wondering if those “leftists” and “liberals” are nothing but
    agents provocateurs for for the super rich. Most of those “liberals” and
    “leftists” adore Israel which is he epitome of reaction, exclusion and
    oppression. They are what I call the phony left.

  15. evie said on May 24th, 2008 at 9:39am #

    I sometimes say the “left”/liberal/democrats hold the arms, legs, body down while the “right”/conservatives/republicans rape it.

    I don’t believe we have a genuine political body for and by the people in the US, or anywhere for that matter.

  16. hp said on May 24th, 2008 at 12:46pm #

    “A society of cheaters and the cheated.”

  17. Katy said on May 25th, 2008 at 10:02am #

    I think it goes without saying that most people would prefer to remain in their homes, and be able to provide a decent living for themselves and their families. Normally, it is desperate circumstances which cause a family member to leave loved ones behind, risk arrest, injury and death to travel to El Norte for work.

    When we defend the human rights of such folks, we are acknowledging that the US is complicit in creating the very conditions which created that desperation.

    The people of Guatemala, for example, are still affected by the thrity-year civil war which was largely funded by the United States.

    Working people in the US can either react to the right-wing analysis that migrants are lowering wages and destroying the fabric of US society, or find common cause with other exploited subjects of neoliberal capitalism.

    When workers with citizenship scapegoat workers without it, obviously we have taken our eyes off the real problem.

    More and more workers in the US are looking for common cause with migrants now. The May 1 West Coast actions this year consciously brought together dockworkers and migrant workers in a broad anti-war and pro-migrant and workers’ rights action.

  18. Shabnam said on May 25th, 2008 at 9:47pm #

    Thank you for your statement:” Working people in the US can either react to the right-wing analysis that migrants are lowering wages and destroying the fabric of US society, or find common cause with other exploited subjects of neoliberal capitalism.”

    Ignorant “working citizens” who have worked as a US agent in other countries to gather information on citizens of other countries have learned nothing about reason behind immigration. These ignorant agents must know that no one wants to leave their countries of origin but due to Modern slavery system, neolibral capitalism, with the leadership of the United States since WWII, people have been forced to leave their roots behind in search of jobs to avoid war and hunger at home which has been spread all over the world. Many people have become refugees due to invasion and mass killing of the population by the empire mercenaries, the soldiers, to occupy new territories and steal their resources such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, where Iraq has more than 4.5 million people as refugees and over a million and half as displaced people within the country yet these ignorant US agents are not able to understand that these victims of the US imperialism are not here for “WHITE WOMEN”, they are here because survival of the system is based on an army of poor and unemployed who own nothing and therefore have to work to survive since their Natural resources are shipped to rich countries to support the status quo and keep the rich and poor scenario unchanged providing those ignorant agents and mercenaries jobs, spying and killing, to expand their influence and power through war economy with the support of ignorant citizens. These ignorant people think that capitalism is WORKING and that’s why the empire wants s to expand the wealth to others. In fact, the situation is reverse. Since the wealth is based on cheap LABOR and NATURAL RESOURCES and human capital, the empire constantly creating destabilization in the targeted countries to make life unbearable for the population and therefore to push these countries’ educated workers to immigrate. This situation is very desirable because the rich countries have constant pool of educated workers, the human capital, without spending a penny available to them to have the upper hand over others.

  19. evie said on May 26th, 2008 at 5:43am #

    I must have hit a nerve (not here for da white women).

    “Educated” workers nearly always come to the US on an H1-B visa with hopes of staying permanently. Some may be b/c of US involvement in their own countries, but most simply b/c they can make more money in the US than they can at home – often from countries the US has not invaded – China, India, the old Soviet Socialist countries. Educated workers are actively recruited by large corporations.

    The spin from the “right” is the US needs foreign workers to do the jobs Americans won’t do or are too lazy to do, or in the words of President Fox – “Mexicans do jobs not even blacks will do”. The spin from the “left” is they’re all refugees b/c of US imperialism. Both bullshit.

    It’s empire’s way of breaking unions and the middle class b/c revolutions are usually instigated and lead by the middle classes – and for those who cannot connect dots, the lack of a viable middle class may be why there are no genuine “movements” in the US today.

    What’s truly ignorant is the same mass immigration do-gooders would be extremely pissed off if there were 12-20,000,000 illegal BLACK folks crossing the border every few years. They would NOT be translating everything in town into Swahili or Zulu and creating “sanctuary cities” or demanding rights and amnesty for their new found friends. The US will arrest, detain, and deport illegal black immigrants without sympathy from any quarter.

    And I got news for you honey – if anyone deserves immigrating to the US it is Africans.

    Those who defend expanding the number of field hands on the USA plantation through illegal immigrants, hence making wage slaves of nearly all citizens, are the “agents.” Or are the new arrivals, lighter skinned, who feel it’s great to bitch about the same “empire” they demand the right to live and work in.

    Oops, is it politically correct to say “illegal immigrants” ? I believe there’s a bumper sticker that says something about no humans are illegal. I’m pretty sure “illegal aliens” is no longer p.c.

  20. hp said on May 26th, 2008 at 9:01am #

    “Undocumented” future Christian soldiers of the empire sounds pretty close.

  21. Deadbeat said on May 26th, 2008 at 10:15am #

    Educated workers [from foreign countries] are actively recruited by large corporations.

    One of the main reason they are actively recruited is that yes they can “make more money” but are usually paid less than American workers of comparable skills. Since many educated workers are NOT unionized it is easy for companies to maintain lower wages by recruiting foreign workers. Also recruiting foreign workers is also due to “shortages” because advanced degrees are too expensive to achieve in the U.S. Therefore recruiting foreign workers whose education is in many cases subsided by their home countries taxpayers tantamount to “thief” especially when the U.S. refuses to fully subsidize the education and training of their citizens or establish criteria that prevents taxpayers from receiving that needed education or training or employ.

  22. Deadbeat said on May 26th, 2008 at 10:22am #

    the lack of a viable middle class may be why there are no genuine “movements” in the US today.

    I disagree. It is because there is still a “viable” middle class is the reason why there is no movement in the U.S. When this middle class become less and less viable then you’ll see movement. This is one of the key reasons you are seeing such energy behind Obama. Mind you I not saying it is the kind the movement that lead to any substantive change but it is energy nonetheless due to current conditions.

  23. evie said on May 26th, 2008 at 12:56pm #

    I disagree. Obama’s main support is from middle class whites and working class blacks. Vietnam’s anti-war movement was initiated by middle class white students. Nicaragua’s Sandinista movement was built by middle class Nicaraguans. They need the masses behind them – but the “movements” were formed by the middle class.

  24. evie said on May 26th, 2008 at 1:01pm #

    P.S. Even the “left’s” icon Hugo Chavez was a member of the Venezuelan middle class. As was Ecaudor’s Correa. They may have been born in the lower classes but they rose to the middle class before gaining power.

  25. evie said on May 26th, 2008 at 1:05pm #

    Again, sorry, but even MLK, among other black leaders of the ’60s, werr from the black middle class when they began the civil rights movement.

  26. Gavin hall said on May 27th, 2008 at 4:04pm #

    I become from the UK and really enjoy this site. Enjoy the lively and knowledgeable discussion that follows the articles. HP & Lloyd Rowsley to name but two. This Evie??? He/She seems to be distracting from the points being made to such a degree that reasonable discussion is becoming impossible. I wonder at the true purpose in their intentions?